See locale-js project.
$ npm install locale-tools
$ i18n --help
Usage: i18n [options] [command]
init Run initialization wizard
collect Collect translation data and write .tr file(s).
dict Build dictionary files.
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-f, --force force initialization, use with "init" command
$ cd <project_home>
$ i18n init
This command sequence will create i18n directory in the <project_home> and put project config into it.
- tr.json - project config.
$ i18n collect
This command will create translation file for each target language.
- <target>.tr - translation file for <target> language.
Edit .tr files with your favorite text editor and run the following command:
$ i18n dict
This will create dictionary file for each target language and dictionary's config file.
- i18n.json - dictionary's config.
- <target>.json - translation dictionary for <target> language.