Home Health is a Learning Technologies and VCH project created using Jekyll.
Home Health utilizes Jekyll and Gulp to compile markdown and sass into a flat file website. The final output / compilation can be found in "_site".
Uncompiled / Editable
Compiled by Jekyll
Compiled by Gulp
- Where the uncompiled Sass stylesheets can be found (only modify these styles)
- where the final deployable site is compiled to
- Where some common / reusable html elements are kept (referenced and compiled with Jekyll)
- Where unconcatoncated and unminified javascript is kept
- Where the templates for the different pages used by jekyll are kept ( Jekyll uses the Liquid templating engine created by Shopify)
- where the debugging site is compiled to
- where the compiled, concatoned and minified css is put by gulp before being copied to _site/css by jekyll
- where web fonts are stored
- image assets used by the site
- where the compiled, concatoned and minified js is put by gulp before being copied to _site/js by jekyll
- where the various js & css libraries that Home Health needs are kept
- where the mardown is kept for all the pages
- video assets used by the site
I have included my gulpfile.js so you should be able to navigate to the root directory, install the required packages and simply run:
$ gulp
This will build the debugging version of the site and launch browsersync which is a local web server used to see your changes in real time. do not try to deploy this build as the links will most likely not work
When you are ready to deploy run the following command which uses a seperate deployemnt config file and build to _deploy
$ gulp deploy
Home Health's content can all be found in the 'modules' folder as seen in the file structure above. In this section I will explain how each page type's markup (with a unique layout in the _layouts folder) is compiled into the final html.
Casy Study (Click to expand)
[ /_layouts/case-study.html ]This layout is used for each Case Study found under each module. This page has not been completed
#not done
Introduction (Click to expand)
[ /_layouts/introduction.html ]Landing Page (Click to expand)
[ /_layouts/landing.html ]Module (Click to expand)
[ /_layouts/module.html ]Modules (Click to expand)
[ /_layouts/modules.html ]More On This Topic (Click to expand)
[ /_layouts/more.html ]This page takes quite a bit of custom frontmatter to generate a pretty customizable page. Inside a nested list named 'sections', you can create sub lists that will be rendered within the section as a 'part'. Parts can be rendered on the left half, the right half, or fill the entire section
#declare a section like this, you can have as many sections as you want
- section:
#Sections can have either just one full part, 2 half parts, or all three parts.
- part: half | full #must be one of these 2 types
#title of part
title: A Great Title
#Text block that will appear in the part
text: lots of great information
#Display an embedded youtube video, just input youtube embed url
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/embed/xw9BBb8LhYw
#display a locally hosted video, just input the file path
video: folder/video.mp4
#lazy way add padding
spacer-title: asdfasdfadf
#due to limitations with YAML Frontmatter, I have created duplicate title and text blocks with the suffix '-2' so you
#can use more then one per part if needed (you can only use on of a block type per part)
title-2: A Title
text-2: Some text
# A block that takes in a list and displays circles containing images
- Title: image.png
- Spiritual: modules/pcc/topic/holistic/spiritual.png
- Cultural: modules/pcc/topic/holistic/cultural.png
# A block that takes in an array and displays mutiple questions
questions: ['How did you feel?', 'What were the ramifications?']
# A block that creates a matching quiz (this whole layout thing is such a hack so I apologies for these janky blocks)
# first you define category names and images to represent them
- category: [Depression, topic/deppression.jpg]
- category: [Delirium, topic/delirium.jpg]
- category: [Dementia, topic/dementia.jpg]
#You then define items that fall under your define categories, the user will have to match them up
- Depression: 'Sudden Onset'
- Delirium: 'Medical Emergency'
- Depression: 'Wandering'
- Dementia: 'Memory disturbances'
- Dementia: 'Hopelessness'
Branching Narrative (Click to expand)
[ /_layouts/more.html ]- Jekyll - The web framework used
- Swiper - JS carousell library
- Jquery - A godsend
- Skeleton - CSS Framework
- Barba - JS Framework that handles AJAX Page loading
- Josh Stuible - Main Developer - Visit website