To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
A beautiful project template to kick start any iOS project. The target is to avoid recoding for features like UIView rounded rect designables or a simple scrolling form. Please contribute to this project to fill up with a standard set of features frequently needed.
- Crossdissolve and reverse push pop navigation.
- UIColor init with hex value.
- UIView corner-radius and colored-border IBInspectables.
- Text localization with key string from interface builder.
- Define once use everywhere global constants.
- Navigationbar set solid color and line shadow visibility on/off.
- Scrollview input form by just enabling actAsInputForm in interface builder. Use Scrollview's customFirstRespnder property to focus on specif view over keyboard.
- Dismiss keyboard on tap with enabling UIView extension var endEditingOnTap.
- Check login history with global var isFirstLogin.
- Default keyboard config enum in interfacebuilder to choose easily and avoid keyboard config mistakes.
- You have to extend or use sub classes declared here against Apple's base classes.
This is just a basic work. Please contribute, expand and Enjoy...
iOSKickStart is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "iOSKickStart"
Twaha Mukammel, [email protected]
iOSKickStart is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.