Steps to run the application from IDE:
- Import project into any IDE like Intellij using pom.xml
- Run App from Intellij Configuration straight away
- (Or) Go to HeyCarApplication File -> Right Click -> Run
From command line:
- Build the project using pom.xml - > mvn clean install
- Run the application -> java -jar target/assignment-SNAPSHOT.jar
For docker image build (from command line) & Kubernetes Deploy (if needed):
- docker build -t name:tag <path to directory which has both binary and image file>
- Provide image registry URL under image placholder in deployment YAML
- kubectl apply -f deployment.yml
Sample Input (JSON)
"code": "a",
"make": "renault",
"model": "megane",
"kW": 132,
"year": 2014,
"color": "red",
"price": 13990
"code": "b",
"make": "swiss",
"model": "bmw",
"kW": 256,
"year": 2018,
"color": "green",
"price": 15000
"code": "c",
"make": "audi",
"model": "a4",
"kW": 144,
"year": 2018,
"color": "black",
"price": 20000
Sample Input (CSV)
1,mercedes/a 180,123,2014,black,15950
API Endpoints:
Command | HTTP Method | Description | Examples |
/vehicle-listings/dealer_id |
POST | Adds all vehicle listings (JSON Array) of a given dealer | /vehicle-listings/1 |
/upload-csv/dealer_id |
POST | Adds all vehicle listings (CSV) of a given dealer | /upload-csv/2 |
/vehicle-listings |
GET | Fetches all the available vehicle listings (Takes in a query param dealer_id optionally | /vehicle-listings /vehicle-listings/1 |
/search |
GET | Search and returns vehicle listings based on the criteria (Takes in query params for search criteria - make/model/year/color) | search?make=audi search?year=2014&color=black |
Automated tests are checked in as part of POSTMAN API collection (in JSON format). Import the test suite and can be run via Postman Client.
- The application is designed using Spring Boot using layers (Model/Controller/Service).
- REST API operations are defined in controller which communciates with the service layer and sends back the data/response back to the controller.
- For key uniqueness, a combination of dealer ID and vehicle listing code is being used.
- For listing updates, hashmap directly repalces the specific entry in the map.
- As of now, in-memory data structure(hashmap) is being used, but in real-time, a database would be ideal for persistent storage.
- For CSV inputs, data is accepted with text/csv as the content type and then coverted to POJO bean by CSV Utils. The input is currently being read as string, but can be also be read via file/input stream.
- CSV sample had different headers as compared to JSON, so to be in sync, replaced them accordingly adhering to common format.
- Get API can return all the listings and also return specific listings if dealer ID is provided.
- Search API returns matching vehicle listings based on the criteria parameters being passed (If no parameters are passed, it returns empty set as of now).
- If I had more time, I would handle search operations in a more generic fashion by optimizing and having the search criteria more flexible.
- Error handling and validation constraints/checks.
- Added swagger documentation instead of the API table above.
- Added unit/integration tests