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Move library and a set of tools to store/retrieve/manage any type of data inside u8 vector


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A Sui Move library and a set of tools to store, retrieve, and manage any type of primitive data as chunks in a vector<u8>. Store any data in the vector<u8> without dependencies and without any Struct defined.

Few patterns and modules over:

Fluid Data Type Non-strict Arguments String Format/sprintf Compression Time Capsule Examples JS/TS library


The first step is to have vector<u8> ready to store metadata. Declare it anywhere, assign to the struct you are going to use in your package, like:

struct YourPerfectNFT has key, store {
    // ...,
    metadata: vector<u8>,

and don't have any issues with contract upgrades anymore. You'll be able to store/manage any primitive data in that u8 vector.

And here's the library to help you with this.

use suidouble_metadata::metadata;

Quick usage example

let mut meta: vector<u8> = vector::empty(); // or = b"";

metadata::set(&mut meta, metadata::key(b"your_age"), &(27u8));
metadata::set(&mut meta, metadata::key(b"your_mood"), b"happy");

if (!metadata::get_bool(&meta, metadata::key(b"to_the_moon?"), false)) {
    metadata::set(&mut meta, metadata::key(b"to_the_moon?"), true);

    let adjust_to_the_moon_flag_times = metadata::get_u256(&meta, metadata::key(b"adjust_to_the_moon_flag_times?"), 0);
    metadata::set(&mut meta, metadata::key(b"adjust_to_the_moon_flag_times?"), &(adjust_to_the_moon_flag_times + 1));

if (!metadata::has_chunk(&meta, metadata::key(b"once"))) {
    metadata::set(&mut meta, metadata::key(b"once"), &(vector::singleton<u256>(4234234)));

if (!metadata::has_chunk_of_type<vector<address>>(&meta, metadata::key(b"once"))) {
    let haha: vector<address> = vector[@0xC0FFEE, @0xABBA, @0xBABE, @0xC0DE1, @0xBEEF];
    metadata::set(&mut meta, metadata::key(b"once"), &haha);

Set metadata data

You can initialize a metadata vector as an empty vector, like:

let mut meta:vector<u8> = b"";

or with helping method returning a metadata with single element at key == 0:

let mut meta:vector<u8> = metadata::single(&any_primitive_value);

And add as many values as you want into it with:

public fun set<T>(metadata: &mut vector<u8>, chunk_id: u32, value: &T): bool {

set function accepts any primitive data type for a value:

 - bool
 - u8, u64, u128, u256
 - address
 - vector<bool>
 - vector<u8>, vector<u64>, vector<u128> 
 - vector<address>
 - vector<vector<u8>>

letting you store any primitive data you can imagine. Futhermore, there's compress function to help you fit everything into 250KB Sui's object size limit.

Function signature is the same for all value types, so would work:

metadata::set(&mut meta, metadata::key(b"property"), &(27u8));
metadata::set(&mut meta, metadata::key(b"property"), &(vector_of_u8_u8));

Get data from metadata

Basic get function returs an Option<vector<u8>>, and there're a lot of extra methods to get each data type:

metadata::get_option_bool(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"))    : Option<bool>;
metadata::get_option_u8(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"))      : Option<u8>;
metadata::get_option_u64(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"))     : Option<u64>;
metadata::get_option_u128(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"))    : Option<u128>;
metadata::get_option_u256(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"))    : Option<u256>;
metadata::get_option_address(&meta, metadata::key(b"key")) : Option<address>;
metadata::get_option_vec_bool(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"))     : Option<vector<bool>>;
metadata::get_option_vec_u8(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"))       : Option<vector<u8>>;
metadata::get_option_vec_u64(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"))      : Option<vector<u64>>;
metadata::get_option_vec_u128(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"))     : Option<vector<u128>>;
metadata::get_option_vec_address(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"))  : Option<vector<address>>;
metadata::get_option_vec_vec_u8(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"))   : Option<vector<vector<u8>>>;

and additional unwrappers to let you easly get with default, if there's no data:

metadata::get_bool(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"), false)      : bool;  // default is false
metadata::get_u8(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"), 111)          : u8;  // default is 111
metadata::get_u64(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"), 999)         : u64;  // default is 999
metadata::get_u128(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"), 111)        : u128;  // default is 111
metadata::get_u256(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"), 111)        : u256;  // default is 111
metadata::get_address(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"), @0xBEEF) : address;  // default is @0xBEEF

metadata::get_vec_bool(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"))     : vector<bool>;  // get_vec_* returns empty vector if there's nothing
metadata::get_vec_u8(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"))       : vector<u8>;
metadata::get_vec_u64(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"))      : vector<u64>;
metadata::get_vec_u128(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"))     : vector<u128>;
metadata::get_vec_address(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"))  : vector<address>;
metadata::get_vec_vec_u8(&meta, metadata::key(b"key"))   : vector<vector<u8>>;

and two extra methods to get number of any type and vec of numbers, supports any unsigned from u8 to u256:

metadata::set(&mut meta, metadata::key(b"key1"), &(200u8));
metadata::set(&mut meta, metadata::key(b"key2"), &(200u128));
metadata::get_any_u256(&meta, metadata::key(b"key1")) == metadata::get_any_u256(&meta, metadata::key(b"key2")) // both u256 == 200
metadata::set(&mut meta, metadata::key(b"key1"), &(vector<u8>[1,2,3,4]));
metadata::set(&mut meta, metadata::key(b"key2"), &(vector<u128>[1,2,3,4]));
metadata::get_any_vec_u256(&meta, metadata::key(b"key1"))     : vector<u256>; // same vectors
metadata::get_any_vec_u256(&meta, metadata::key(b"key1"))     : vector<u256>; // same vectors of vector<u256>[1,2,3,4]

Get information from metadata

It's generally your responsibility to keep key -> data type relation constant, but there're few helpful methods if you get lost and want to double-check:

Get total count of chunks in metadata vector:

metadata::get_chunks_count(&meta): u32

Get vector of chunk_id from metadata vector:

metadata::get_chunks_ids(&meta): vector<u32>

NB: remember you can convert that u32's to strings if you were used key method

Check if specific chunk exists/set:

metadata::has_chunk(&meta, metadata::key(b"chunk_id")): bool

Check if specific chunk exists/set and has needed data type:

metadata::has_chunk_of_type<u64>(&meta, metadata::key(b"chunk_id")): bool
metadata::has_chunk_of_type<vector<address>>(&meta, metadata::key(b"chunk_id")): bool
// would work for any data type we have a getter for

If specific chunk stores vector, you can get count of elements in it without deserializing all chunk:

metadata::get_vec_length(&meta, metadata::key(b"chunk_id")): u64

Remove chunk from metadata

Simple as is:

metadata::remove_chunk(&mut meta, metadata::key(b"chunk_id")): bool

Key hash function

Each chunk in the metadata vector has unique chunk_id of u32, you can use it as number directly:

metadata::set(&mut meta, 777, &(b"something"));
metadata::get_vec_u8(&meta, 777);

or use a helping key hash function, transforming vector (in-code strings mostly) to u32:

metadata::set(&mut meta, metadata::key(&b"propertyname"), &(b"something"));
metadata::get_vec_u8(&meta, metadata::key(&b"propertyname"), 777);

key function produces different u32 values for different strings, all unique for up to 5 chars strings:

  • key(&b"test") != key(&b"abba")
  • key(&b"test2") != key(&b"test3")
  • key(&b"1") != key(&b"2")


  • key(&b"test2") == key(&b"test2")


  • key(&b"TEST") == key(&b"test")

different, but may be repeated values for long strings

  • key(&b"long_string_test_1") != key(&b"long_string_test_2")
  • key(&b"long_string_test_01") == key(&b"long_string_test_10")

returned u32 may be unpacked back to string using unpack_key function

Unpacking the key back to vector/string

u32 created with key function may be unpacked back to string using unpack_key:

metadata::unpack_key(key: u32): vector<u8>

first 4 chars kept (though uppercased)

  • unpack_key(key(b"TEST")) == b"TEST"
  • unpack_key(key(b"test")) == b"TEST"

may have an extra hash at the end in case long string (>4 chars) was hashed:

  • unpack_key(key(b"TEST_long_string")) == b"TEST*005"
  • unpack_key(key(b"TEST_other_string")) == b"TEST*119"

Modules using suidouble_metadata

Compress byte vector

Optional binary primitive. Feel free to use it for metadata chunks, the whole metadata vector, or your own vector as a library.

You may compress all metadata or specific chunk in it.

There's function to compress vector using sort of LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) algorithm extended with u16->u8 variable-length encoding scheme, does 7.5x compression on a test ascii data ( see compress_tests.move )

let compressed: vector<u8> = metadata::compress(&rawvetoru8);

and decompress back to original:

let decompressed: vector<u8> = metadata::decompress(&compressed);

Take a look at example package with binary compression.

Time Capsule

Optional binary primitive. Feel free to use it for metadata chunks, the whole metadata vector, or your own vector<u8> as a library.

Timelock Encryption (TLE) is a cryptographic primitive with which ciphertexts can only be decrypted after the specified time. There's a module in metadata package to create TimeCapsules using randomness of DRand chain.

let mut drand = time_capsule::drand_quicknet();
let for_the_future_ms = clock.timestamp_ms() + 60*60*1000; // encrypt it to be decrypted in 1 hour
let encrypted:vector<u8> = drand.encrypt_for_time(for_the_future_ms, &b"Hey Sui! Are you ready for the future?");
let round_n = drand.round_at(for_the_future_ms);
// get round signature from drand when it becomes available, eg for round_n == 7788475  , api url is:
// and decrypt the message
let round_signature = x"a17b758d8ef1a88a1e7f2db59634d5bc40f779ad44d41fe01cc0862bafb23f1510afdb12ff90985c5ed495434e4a19e5";
let decrypted:vector<u8> = drand.decrypt(&encrypted, round_signature);
assert!(decrypted == b"Hey Sui! Are you ready for the future?", 0);

More docs and a sample contact for time_capsule module can be found here.

Sui Metadata on the frontend/node.js

Take a look at js library suidouble_metadata following the same logic and fully compatible with this Move module, so you can serialize the data on the front-end side and use as parameter executing Move methods, or read metada vector<u8> directly from the blockchain via rpc with no need for transaction blocks.

Running unit tets

There're few heavy unit tests I tried to comment out, but in case you want to run them, you can increase gas limit for testing:

sui move test --gas-limit 5000000000

Not obvious, but it works for running tests falling into timeouts.


  • optimization of compress function
  • javascript for time capsules encrypting
  • some web UI to edit/debug/prettyprint metadata



Means, just fork this lib if you are using it for production and do some changes, don't hide it in your private project repo.


Move library and a set of tools to store/retrieve/manage any type of data inside u8 vector







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