ASM2HEX v1.0 发布说明
我们很高兴地宣布 ASM2HEX v1.0 正式发布!这是 ASM2HEX 的首个公开版本,带来了一系列强大的功能和改进。
ASM2HEX 是一款功能强大的汇编语言与十六进制机器码相互转换工具。它提供了一个直观的图形界面,让用户可以轻松地在汇编指令和对应的机器码之间进行转换。无论你是处理 ARM64、ARM 还是 Thumb 指令集,ASM2HEX 都能提供准确可靠的转换结果。
v1.0 版本亮点
- 支持 ARM64、ARM 和 Thumb 指令集的汇编语言与十六进制机器码的双向转换。
- 使用 Keystone 作为汇编引擎,Capstone 作为反汇编引擎,确保转换结果的准确性和可靠性。
- 提供现代化的图形界面,基于 Fyne 框架开发,操作简单直观。
- 支持自定义偏移地址和字节序,满足不同场景下的需求。
- 跨平台支持,可在 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 等操作系统上运行。
请参考项目的 README.md 文件中的安装说明,了解如何在您的系统上安装 ASM2HEX。

ASM2HEX 提供了直观的用户界面,使用起来非常简单。您可以在左侧的输入框中输入汇编指令或十六进制机器码,并指定偏移地址和字节序。点击 "转换" 按钮,转换结果将实时显示在右侧的输出区域。您还可以使用 "切换模式" 按钮在汇编转十六进制和十六进制转汇编之间切换。
有关详细的使用说明,请参考项目的 README.md 文件。
如果您在使用 ASM2HEX 的过程中遇到任何问题,或者有任何改进建议,请通过 GitHub 仓库的 Issues 页面提交。我们欢迎您的反馈和贡献!
如果您想为 ASM2HEX 做出贡献,无论是修复 bug、添加新功能,还是改进文档,请查看项目的 CONTRIBUTING.md 文件,了解如何参与贡献。
ASM2HEX 的开发离不开开源社区的支持。我们要感谢 Fyne、Keystone 和 Capstone 等优秀项目的贡献者和维护者。没有他们的辛勤工作,就没有 ASM2HEX 的诞生。
ASM2HEX 采用 MIT 许可证进行发布。请查看项目根目录下的 LICENSE 文件了解详细信息。
ASM2HEX v1.0 Release Notes
We are excited to announce the official release of ASM2HEX v1.0! This is the first public version of ASM2HEX, bringing a range of powerful features and improvements.
ASM2HEX is a powerful tool for bidirectional conversion between assembly language and hexadecimal machine code. It provides an intuitive graphical interface that allows users to easily convert between assembly instructions and their corresponding machine code. Whether you are working with ARM64, ARM, or Thumb instruction sets, ASM2HEX delivers accurate and reliable conversion results.
v1.0 Highlights
- Support for bidirectional conversion between assembly language and hexadecimal machine code for ARM64, ARM, and Thumb instruction sets.
- Utilizes Keystone as the assembly engine and Capstone as the disassembly engine, ensuring accuracy and reliability of conversion results.
- Offers a modern graphical interface, developed based on the Fyne framework, making it simple and intuitive to use.
- Allows customization of offset addresses and byte order to meet the needs of different scenarios.
- Cross-platform support, enabling it to run on operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Please refer to the installation instructions in the project's README.md file for guidance on how to install ASM2HEX on your system.
Usage Guide
ASM2HEX provides an intuitive user interface, making it very easy to use. You can enter assembly instructions or hexadecimal machine code in the input box on the left, specifying the offset address and byte order. Click the "Convert" button, and the conversion results will be displayed in real-time in the output area on the right. You can also use the "Toggle Mode" button to switch between assembly to hexadecimal and hexadecimal to assembly modes.
For detailed usage instructions, please refer to the project's README.md file.
Feedback and Contributions
If you encounter any issues while using ASM2HEX or have any suggestions for improvement, please submit them through the Issues page of the GitHub repository. We welcome your feedback and contributions!
If you would like to contribute to ASM2HEX, whether it's fixing bugs, adding new features, or improving documentation, please review the CONTRIBUTING.md file in the project for guidelines on how to get involved.
The development of ASM2HEX would not have been possible without the support of the open-source community. We would like to express our gratitude to the contributors and maintainers of excellent projects like Fyne, Keystone, and Capstone. Without their hard work, ASM2HEX would not have come into existence.
ASM2HEX is released under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file in the project's root directory for more details.