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Reporting Phase

sullo edited this page Mar 18, 2021 · 1 revision

This is potentially the most convoluted phase as it has several hooks that may be used for each section in the scan's lifetime.

The hooks are:

Report Head

This hook is called immediately after target acquisition and before the reconnaisance phase. It is designed to allow the reporting plugin to open the report and ensure that any headers are appropiately written.

handle report_head(filename);
string filename

The filename parameter is a bit of a misnomer; it will be a copy of the string passed to the -output switch and may indicate, for example, a database name.

The handle is a handle that will be passed to other reporting functions for this plugin so should be internally consistent.

Report Host Start

This hook is called immediately before the reconnaisance phase for each target. It is designed to allow the reporting plugin to write any host specfic information.

void report_host_start(rhandle, mark);
handle rhandle
hashref mark

The rhandle parameter is the output of the plugin's Report Head function.

The mark parameter is a hashref for the target information (described below).

Report Host End

This hook is called immediately after the scan phase for each target. It is designed to allow the reporting plugin to close any host specfic information.

void report_host_end(rhandle, mark);
handle rhandle
hashref mark

The rhandle parameter is the output of the plugin's Report Head function.

The mark parameter is a hashref for the target information (described below).

Report Item

This hook is called once for each vulnerability found on the target This should report details about the vulnerability.

void report_item(rhandle, mark, vulnerability);
handle rhandle
hashref mark
hashref vulnerbility

The rhandle parameter is the output of the plugin's Report Head function.

The mark parameter is a hashref for the target information (described below).

The vulnerability parameter is a hashref for the vulnerability information (described below).

Report Close

This hook is called immediately after all targets have been scanned. It is designed to allow the reporting plugin to elegantly close the report.

void report_close(rhandle);
handle rhandle

The rhandle parameter is the output of the plugin's Report Head function.