The purpose of this repo is to provide a way to start three independent CouchDB nodes on a local machine. With the release of CouchDB 2.0 clustering was added. Unfortunately it is a bit tricky to run three independent Docker CouchDB's - for example with the excellent CouchDB Docker images from Clemens Stolle. There is in fact an image you can use to simulate the clsutering, but we wanted to have three IP adresses.
This guide assumes you are running Mac OS X. But it should be the same for any Linux system.
Download and install Virtualbox
Download and install [Virtualbox-Extension-Pack] (
Download and install Vagrant - For the time of writing there is a major bug with Vagrant 1.8.7 so please use 1.8.6 unless you don't care fixing the installation.
Clone this repository
git clone
Change into the directory couch-vagrant
cd couch-vagrant
Run the Vagrantfile
vagrant up
The last step will look for a Vagrant Box at [] (, (don't follow the steps in the README there please), will download it and start three instances.
Vagrant will start 3 machines with the IP addresses configured in the Vagrantfile. The IP addresses are for:
couch1 :
couch2 :
couch3 :
You will have to start CouchDB on each Vagrant box by hand. For the start Simply run:
sudo /opt/couchdb/bin/couchdb couchdb -b
CouchDB 2.0.0 will be reachable via port 5984
If you made it to this point, you will now be able top open each running CouchDB and its Webinterface Fauxton in the browser.
This is a first try. We are really happy about contributions. If you find a problem or have ideas for features, please add an issue.
Many thanks to Lucas for putting the Vagrant stuff together.