The Book Tracker app is a helpful tool for tracking books that you are currently reading and have finished reading.
As savvy reader, I’m in need of a place where I can track my reading. I need to know what I am currenly reading and what I have already read. As well as should be able to search books that I want to read.
Deployed website can be found at this link.
When first entering the site, user is able to sign up or log in. If new user, they can sign up and if the user is existing user, they can log in.
Once logged in, the main page appears with option to search for a book, mark it as Want to Read and Finished reading.
- [Google Books API]- Pulls in Title, Author and Image of the book searched
Technologies Used:
- [Node]
- [Express]
- [MySQL]
- [Handlebars]
- [Javascript]
- [JQuery]
- [TravisCI]
Tanner Nielsen
Devin Payton
Sumnima Bhandari