Welcome to the github repo for my portfolio. You can copy this repo and use it for yourself if you so incline. Built with create-react-app and some boilerplate server/express code. Currently the backend serves my BixbyDex API. Styled with Materialize. Deployed on heroku. Testing.
- Make a readme file
- Make a good readme file
- Add commenting throughout the code
- Get better images or image(s) of myself for the fullscreen slider
- Add HTML5 canvas animation to the slider
- Make/get logo for JP
- Close Materialize mobile sidebar upon clicking on a link
- Add reddit scraper and clicky game to portfolio
- Consider adding CLI apps to portfolio which include talking twitter app
- Get more legit recommendations
- Convert individual recommendations into RecommendationCards components
- Make slider for recommendations
- Convert recommendations and portfolio objects to mongodb documents and query those upon mounting to render in react
- Implement linkedIn login system to submit recommendations
- Implement admin login system to allow for editing database, approving recommendations submitted, and to add portfolio pieces
- Add a chat room to chat with other logged in linkedIn users and myself! Why? Because I enjoy using socket.io.