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A pure C# implementation of sproto.


Sproto is an efficient serialization library. It's like Google protocol buffers. The design is simple. It only supports a few types,such as integer/string/boolean/binary/group-buildin-type.


//see Test/SimpleExample.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Sproto;

namespace TestSproto {
	public static class SimpleExample {
		public static void Run () {
			string c2s =
.package {
	type 0 : integer
	session 1 : integer

.Person {
	id 0 : integer			# int type
	name 1 : string			# string type
	age 2 : integer			# int type
	isman 3 : boolean		# bool type
	emails 4 : *string		# string list
	children 5 : *Person	# Person list
	luckydays 6 : *integer  # integer list

get 1 {
	request {
		id 0 : integer
	response Person
			string s2c =
.package {
	type 0 : integer
	session 1 : integer
			SprotoMgr S2C = SprotoParser.Parse(s2c);
			SprotoMgr C2S = SprotoParser.Parse(c2s);
			SprotoRpc Client = new SprotoRpc(S2C,C2S);
			SprotoRpc Server = new SprotoRpc(C2S,S2C);
			// create a request
			SprotoObject request = Client.C2S.NewSprotoObject("get.request");
			request["id"] = 1;
			RpcPackage request_package = Client.PackRequest("get",request,1);

			RpcMessage message = Server.UnpackMessage(,request_package.size);
			// create a response
			//SprotoObject response = Client.C2S.NewSprotoObject("Person");
			SprotoObject response = Server.S2C.NewSprotoObject("Person");
			response["id"] = 1;
			response["name"] = "sundream";
			response["age"] = 26;
			response["emails"] = new List<string>{
				"[email protected]",
			//List<SprotoObject> children = new List<SprotoObject>();
			// no children
			//response["children"] = children;
			response["luckydays"] = new List<Int64>{0,6};
			RpcPackage response_package = Server.PackResponse("get",response,1);
			message = Client.UnpackMessage(,response_package.size);



  • SprotoMgr SprotoParser.Parse(string proto,string filename="=text") create a sprotomgr by proto string(encoding in utf-8)
  • SprotoMgr SprotoParser.ParseFile(string filename) create a sprotomgr by proto file(encoding in utf-8)
  • SprotoMgr SprotoParser.ParseFromBinary(byte[] bytes,int length) create a sprotomgr from binary proto
  • SprotoMgr SprotoParser.ParseFromBinaryFile(string filename) create a sprotomgr from binary proto file
  • byte[] SprotoParser.DumpToBinary(SprotoMgr sprotomgr) dump a sprotomgr to binary proto
  • SprotoObject SprotoMgr.NewSprotoObject(string typename,object val=null) create a SprotoObject by typename,we can set field like dict later
  • SprotoStream SprotoMgr.Encode(SprotoObject obj,SprotoStream writer=null) encode a SprotoObject
  • SprotoObject SprotoMgr.Decode(string typename,SprotoStream reader) decode to a SprotoObject
  • byte[] SprotoMgr.Pack(byte[] src,int start,int length,out int size,byte[] dest=null) 0-pack a byte-buffer
  • byte[] SprotoMgr.Unpack(byte[] src,int start,int length,out int size,byte[] dest=null) 0-unpack a byte-buffer
  • SprotoRpc SprotoRpc(SprotoMgr S2C,SprotoMgr C2S,string package="package") create a SprotoRpc by a S2C sprotomgr and a C2S sprotomgr
  • RpcPackage SprotoRpc.Request(string proto,SprotoObject request=null,Int64 session=0) create a request package
  • RpcPackage SprotoRpc.Response(string proto,SprotoObject response=null,Int64 session=0) create a response package
  • RpcPackage SprotoRpc.PackMessage(RpcMessage message) pack request/response message to package
  • RpcMessage SprotoRpc.UnPackMessage(byte[] bytes,int size) unpack to a message,may request/response


In my i5-3210 @2.5GHz CPU, the benchmark is below:

library encode 1M times decode 1M times size
sproto(nopack) 9.193s 9.963s 130 bytes
sproto 10.000s 10.411s 83 bytes


i test in ubuntu/mac
1. compile: mcs *.cs Test/*.cs
2. run: ls *.exe | xargs mono

See Also


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