Please go through each script files and modify the code according to you needs. The code is written based on assumptions.
Read through the file, you will find comments that will help you understand the code.
Improvements are welcomed.
Move the files to shell directory of your magento installation.
In the export.php file
$attributeSetNames = array(
Add the attribute set that you need to export
Run the script
$ php export.php --set --attr --products
The above will export Attribute Set, Attribute, Product.
The options will let the script what to export
will export Attribute Set
will export Attribute
will export Product
It will create three csv files "importAttributeSet.csv" "importAttribute.csv" "product.csv" by default. You can change the file name if you need.
Run the script
$ php import.php --set --attr
The above will import Attribute Set, Attribute
To Import Product use magmi RECOMMENDED
To increase the import performace and also to fully support magmi run
$ php prepare_products.php
This will split the product csv into smaller chunks of csv (count of 500 per file) and then modifies the files to support magmi