This tool retrieves the EPG data provided by Gracenote (TMS) and converts the JSON files into a single XMLTV file.
- This tool is not affiliated with Gracenote and is in no way sponsored or endorsed by Gracenote.
- Select the channels you need
- Add your unique EPG IDs to the channels
- Upload your playlist/link to map the IDs faster
- Search/Lineup feature to access channels/lists
- Settings tool to decide how to create the XMLTV file
- Scheduler: Download/create the files automatically
- Python 3.x (+ modules: bottle, requests, xmltodict)
- Kodi 19.x or higher (addon version)
- TMS API key (Sample/Commercial Plan)
- Download the ZIP of the repository and extract it on your computer
- Run the terminal within the script directory
- Start the script: "python"
- Visit "http://localhost:4000" and follow the instructions
- Download the ZIP of the repository and store it on your Kodi machine
- Install the addon
- Visit "http://(IP address):4000" and follow the instructions