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fly.toml ref: add how to remove a Machine file #20

fly.toml ref: add how to remove a Machine file

fly.toml ref: add how to remove a Machine file #20

GitHub Actions / vale completed Sep 24, 2023 in 1s

reviewdog [vale] report

reported by reviewdog 🐶

Findings (15)

reference/configuration.html.markerb|142 col 88| [Fly.Spelling] Is 'args' a typo?
reference/configuration.html.markerb|142 col 112| [Fly.Spelling] Is 'args' a typo?
reference/configuration.html.markerb|167 col 138| [Fly.WordList] Consider using 'file system' instead of 'filesystem'.
reference/configuration.html.markerb|242 col 20| [Fly.Spelling] Is 'boolean' a typo?
reference/configuration.html.markerb|257 col 75| [Fly.Spelling] Is 'tcp' a typo?
reference/configuration.html.markerb|259 col 61| [Fly.Spelling] Is 'http' a typo?
reference/configuration.html.markerb|259 col 164| [Fly.Spelling] Is 'tcp' a typo?
reference/configuration.html.markerb|262 col 128| [Fly.Spelling] Is 'deprioritize' a typo?
reference/configuration.html.markerb|296 col 37| [Fly.Spelling] Is 'http' a typo?
reference/configuration.html.markerb|379 col 20| [Fly.Spelling] Is 'boolean' a typo?
reference/configuration.html.markerb|476 col 65| [Fly.Spelling] Is 'tcp' a typo?
reference/configuration.html.markerb|478 col 154| [Fly.Spelling] Is 'tcp' a typo?
reference/configuration.html.markerb|481 col 128| [Fly.Spelling] Is 'deprioritize' a typo?
reference/configuration.html.markerb|517 col 211| [Fly.Spelling] Is 'http' a typo?
reference/configuration.html.markerb|596 col 5| [Fly.Spelling] Is 'http' a typo?

Filtered Findings (0)


Check notice on line 142 in reference/configuration.html.markerb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / vale

[vale] reference/configuration.html.markerb#L142

[Fly.Spelling] Is 'args' a typo?
Raw output
{"message": "[Fly.Spelling] Is 'args' a typo?", "location": {"path": "reference/configuration.html.markerb", "range": {"start": {"line": 142, "column": 88}}}, "severity": "INFO"}

Check notice on line 142 in reference/configuration.html.markerb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / vale

[vale] reference/configuration.html.markerb#L142

[Fly.Spelling] Is 'args' a typo?
Raw output
{"message": "[Fly.Spelling] Is 'args' a typo?", "location": {"path": "reference/configuration.html.markerb", "range": {"start": {"line": 142, "column": 112}}}, "severity": "INFO"}

Check notice on line 167 in reference/configuration.html.markerb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / vale

[vale] reference/configuration.html.markerb#L167

[Fly.WordList] Consider using 'file system' instead of 'filesystem'.
Raw output
{"message": "[Fly.WordList] Consider using 'file system' instead of 'filesystem'.", "location": {"path": "reference/configuration.html.markerb", "range": {"start": {"line": 167, "column": 138}}}, "severity": "INFO"}

Check notice on line 242 in reference/configuration.html.markerb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / vale

[vale] reference/configuration.html.markerb#L242

[Fly.Spelling] Is 'boolean' a typo?
Raw output
{"message": "[Fly.Spelling] Is 'boolean' a typo?", "location": {"path": "reference/configuration.html.markerb", "range": {"start": {"line": 242, "column": 20}}}, "severity": "INFO"}

Check notice on line 257 in reference/configuration.html.markerb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / vale

[vale] reference/configuration.html.markerb#L257

[Fly.Spelling] Is 'tcp' a typo?
Raw output
{"message": "[Fly.Spelling] Is 'tcp' a typo?", "location": {"path": "reference/configuration.html.markerb", "range": {"start": {"line": 257, "column": 75}}}, "severity": "INFO"}

Check notice on line 259 in reference/configuration.html.markerb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / vale

[vale] reference/configuration.html.markerb#L259

[Fly.Spelling] Is 'http' a typo?
Raw output
{"message": "[Fly.Spelling] Is 'http' a typo?", "location": {"path": "reference/configuration.html.markerb", "range": {"start": {"line": 259, "column": 61}}}, "severity": "INFO"}

Check notice on line 259 in reference/configuration.html.markerb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / vale

[vale] reference/configuration.html.markerb#L259

[Fly.Spelling] Is 'tcp' a typo?
Raw output
{"message": "[Fly.Spelling] Is 'tcp' a typo?", "location": {"path": "reference/configuration.html.markerb", "range": {"start": {"line": 259, "column": 164}}}, "severity": "INFO"}

Check notice on line 262 in reference/configuration.html.markerb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / vale

[vale] reference/configuration.html.markerb#L262

[Fly.Spelling] Is 'deprioritize' a typo?
Raw output
{"message": "[Fly.Spelling] Is 'deprioritize' a typo?", "location": {"path": "reference/configuration.html.markerb", "range": {"start": {"line": 262, "column": 128}}}, "severity": "INFO"}

Check notice on line 296 in reference/configuration.html.markerb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / vale

[vale] reference/configuration.html.markerb#L296

[Fly.Spelling] Is 'http' a typo?
Raw output
{"message": "[Fly.Spelling] Is 'http' a typo?", "location": {"path": "reference/configuration.html.markerb", "range": {"start": {"line": 296, "column": 37}}}, "severity": "INFO"}

Check notice on line 379 in reference/configuration.html.markerb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / vale

[vale] reference/configuration.html.markerb#L379

[Fly.Spelling] Is 'boolean' a typo?
Raw output
{"message": "[Fly.Spelling] Is 'boolean' a typo?", "location": {"path": "reference/configuration.html.markerb", "range": {"start": {"line": 379, "column": 20}}}, "severity": "INFO"}

Check notice on line 476 in reference/configuration.html.markerb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / vale

[vale] reference/configuration.html.markerb#L476

[Fly.Spelling] Is 'tcp' a typo?
Raw output
{"message": "[Fly.Spelling] Is 'tcp' a typo?", "location": {"path": "reference/configuration.html.markerb", "range": {"start": {"line": 476, "column": 65}}}, "severity": "INFO"}

Check notice on line 478 in reference/configuration.html.markerb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / vale

[vale] reference/configuration.html.markerb#L478

[Fly.Spelling] Is 'tcp' a typo?
Raw output
{"message": "[Fly.Spelling] Is 'tcp' a typo?", "location": {"path": "reference/configuration.html.markerb", "range": {"start": {"line": 478, "column": 154}}}, "severity": "INFO"}

Check notice on line 481 in reference/configuration.html.markerb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / vale

[vale] reference/configuration.html.markerb#L481

[Fly.Spelling] Is 'deprioritize' a typo?
Raw output
{"message": "[Fly.Spelling] Is 'deprioritize' a typo?", "location": {"path": "reference/configuration.html.markerb", "range": {"start": {"line": 481, "column": 128}}}, "severity": "INFO"}

Check notice on line 517 in reference/configuration.html.markerb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / vale

[vale] reference/configuration.html.markerb#L517

[Fly.Spelling] Is 'http' a typo?
Raw output
{"message": "[Fly.Spelling] Is 'http' a typo?", "location": {"path": "reference/configuration.html.markerb", "range": {"start": {"line": 517, "column": 211}}}, "severity": "INFO"}

Check notice on line 596 in reference/configuration.html.markerb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / vale

[vale] reference/configuration.html.markerb#L596

[Fly.Spelling] Is 'http' a typo?
Raw output
{"message": "[Fly.Spelling] Is 'http' a typo?", "location": {"path": "reference/configuration.html.markerb", "range": {"start": {"line": 596, "column": 5}}}, "severity": "INFO"}