This is a python implementation of spam classification taught in famous Machine Learning course by Andrew Ng
Train and test set are provided in spamTrain.mat, spamTest.mat
Full dataset at SpamAssassin Public Corpus
- Lower case email
- Remove HTML tags
- Replace URLs with 'httpaddr', emails with 'emailaddr', numbers with 'number', $ with 'dollar'
- Remove non-alphanumeric characters
- Tokenize
- Poster stem
Each email is represented by a N-vector. N is the number of word in dictionary (provided in vocab.txt). The dictionary is built by collecting most frequency words appear in dataset. Each ith-row in feature vector represent whether or not the ith word in dictionary appear in preprocessed email.
Email features are fed to a linear SVM classifier with C parameter set to 0.1. The classifier then have to classify between two class: 0-non spam, 1-spam
Train accuracy: 0.998250
Test accuracy: 0.989000
Top 15 predictors for spam classifirer
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