An e-commerce platform for selling and buying products.
- A user can sign up for the retailer.
- A user should be able to login and logout of the system.
- He can shop for a certain session in which he is logged in and place the order.
- A user should be able to view his shopping history for a given day and given month.
- He can query information about any product in the inventory.
- A user should be able to view the total amount spent up to date in the various transactions he has been involved with.
- User can query the offers related to a particular product.
- User should be able to get a sorted list of products based on prices.
- Maintain customer information (whatever you can think of :P)
- Maintain product information like MRP, manufacturing date, expiry, type(like food,washing product, grooming, clothes etc.), date at which it was bought etc.
- Retrieve the various time moments when a product of certain type was sold.
- Generate the bill for a certain order placed by the client and send it to client.
- Multiple clients can place the order at the same time.
- Apply offers(x % off, buy X get Y free, etc) on certain type products over a time duration.
- Maintain the quantity of products and increment/decrement them as per need.
- Add/remove a particular type of product.
- Discounts always attract users. Give a discount to those users who have bought worth of certain X rupees for the current month. This discount will apply for certain number of months that can be set by the admin.
- For the discount scheme, users should get notified about the scheme.
- A retailing service would always want to analyze itself. Therefore prepare charts/graphs to depict the rate of a particular type of product sold over a certain time period.
- Identify the top 5 customers which have the highest transaction volume for a certain month and give them a heavy discount percentage for a certain time duration.
- Prepare graphs/charts to analyze a user’s interaction with the retailer over a period of time.
- Get any given user’s transaction history over any period of time
1.Dynamic notifications.