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Name | Link | Remarks |
Google Analytics | https://analytics.google.com/ | |
Google Tag Manager | https://tagmanager.google.com/ | |
Google Data Studio | https://datastudio.google.com/ | |
Varvy Tools | https://varvy.com/toolbox/ | |
Ahrefs | https://ahrefs.com/ | Paid |
Browseo | http://www.browseo.net/ | |
SEO Site Checkup | https://seositecheckup.com/ | |
SEMrush | https://www.semrush.com/ | Freemium |
Google Structured Data Testing Tool | https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool | |
Schema Markup Generator | https://technicalseo.com/tools/schema-markup-generator/ |
Name | Link | Remarks |
Keyword Finder | https://keywordfinder.io/ | |
Keyword Revealer | https://www.keywordrevealer.com/ | |
SEM Scoop | https://semscoop.com/ | |
KW Finder | https://kwfinder.com/ | Free Trail for 10 Days |
Also Asked | https://alsoasked.com/ | |
LSI Graph | https://lsigraph.com | |
Keyword Tool | https://keywordtool.io/ | |
Soovle | https://soovle.com/ | |
Answer The Public | https://answerthepublic.com/ | |
Keyword Planner | https://ads.google.com/keyword-planner/ | |
Google Trends | https://trends.google.com/trends/ | |
Word Stream | https://www.wordstream.com/keywords | |
Keyword Surfer | https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/keyword-surfer/bafijghppfhdpldihckdcadbcobikaca | Chrome Extension |
WMS Everywhere | https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chbmoagfhnkggnhbjpoonnmhnpjdjdod | Chrome Extension |
Infinite Suggest | https://www.infinitesuggest.com/ |
Name | Link | Remarks |
SERP Surf | http://www.serpsurf.com/ | Free |
Whats My SERP | http://whatsmyserp.com/ | Free but need to signup to check upto 10 keywords for free |
SERP Robot | https://www.serprobot.com | Free + Trail for 14 Days |
Search Latte | http://searchlatte.com/ | |
SERP Watcher | https://serpwatcher.com/ | |
MobileMoxie SERPerator | https://mobilemoxie.com/tools/mobile-serp-test/ |
Name | Link | Remarks |
Moz Bar | https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mozbar/eakacpaijcpapndcfffdgphdiccmpknp | |
Backlink Checker | https://ahrefs.com/backlink-checker | |
Broken Link Checker | https://ahrefs.com/broken-link-checker | |
Website Authority Checker | https://ahrefs.com/website-authority-checker |
Name | Link | Remarks |
Google Mobile Audit | https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/feature/testmysite/ | |
Web Page Test | https://www.webpagetest.org/ | |
Google Page Speed | https://pagespeed.web.dev/ | |
Pingdom Tools | https://tools.pingdom.com/ | |
GTMetrix | https://gtmetrix.com/ | |
Lighthouse | https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/lighthouse/blipmdconlkpinefehnmjammfjpmpbjk | Chrome Extensions |
Name | Link | Remarks |
Google Webmaster | https://search.google.com/search-console/ | |
Bing Webmaster | https://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster | |
Yandex Webmaster | https://webmaster.yandex.com/welcome/ |
Name | Link | Remarks |
Mobile Friendly Test | https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly | |
Mobi Ready | https://ready.mobi/ | |
Mobile Moxie Device Emulator | https://mobilemoxie.com/tools/mobile-page-test/ |
Name | Link | Remarks |
One Signal | https://onesignal.com/ | |
True Push | https://www.truepush.com/ |
Name | Link | Remarks |
Buffer | https://buffer.com/ | |
Hootsuite | https://hootsuite.com/ | |
Dlvr It | https://dlvr.it | |
Tailwind App | https://www.tailwindapp.com/ |
Name | Link | Remarks |
Cloudways | https://www.wplogout.com/cloudways | Use WPLogout Coupon Code to get 10% discount for 3 Months |
Kinsta | https://www.wplogout.com/kinsta | |
Bluehost | https://www.wplogout.com/bluehost | |
Siteground | https://www.wplogout.com/siteground |
Name | Link | Remarks |
Namesilo | https://www.wplogout.com/namesilo | Use WPLogout to get $1 discount |
NameCheap | https://www.wplogout.com/namecheap | NameCheap Domain Registrants |
Name | Link | Remarks |
GeneratePress | https://www.wplogout.com/generatepress | GeneratePress Themes |
GenerateBlocks | https://www.wplogout.com/generateblocks |
Name | Link | Remarks |
MailChimp | https://www.wplogout.com/mailchimp | |
Mailerlite | https://www.mailerlite.com/ |
Name | Link | Remarks |
TinyPNG | https://tinypng.com/ | |
Squoosh | https://squoosh.app/ | |
Compressor | https://compressor.io/ | |
PNG to JPG | https://png2jpg.com/ |
Name | Link | Remarks |
Unsplash | https://unsplash.com/ | Free stock photo site |
Pixabay | https://pixabay.com/ | Free stock photo site |
Pexels | https://www.pexels.com/ | Free stock photo site |
Name | Link | Remarks |
SEO Minion | https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/seo-minion/giihipjfimkajhlcilipnjeohabimjhi | Chrome Extension |
Check My Links | https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/check-my-links/ojkcdipcgfaekbeaelaapakgnjflfglf | Chrome Extension |
Grammarly | https://www.wplogout.com/grammarly/ | Improve your Grammar and Spellings |
Brave | https://www.wplogout.com/brave/ | Browser with Inbuilt Adblocker |
Canva | https://www.canva.com/ | Create Beautiful Designs |
Name | Link | Remarks |
Sharing Debugger | https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/sharing/ | |
Ads Library | https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/ | |
Quick Ads Creation | https://www.facebook.com/ads/create | |
Ads Glossary | https://www.facebook.com/business/help/447834205249495/ | |
Ads Manager | https://www.facebook.com/business/tools/ads-manager | |
Facebook Pixel Helper | https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/facebook-pixel-helper/fdgfkebogiimcoedlicjlajpkdmockpc |
Name | Link | Remarks |
Cloudflare | https://www.cloudflare.com/ | |
Bunny CDN | https://www.wplogout.com/bunnycdn | Use WPLOGOUT Coupon Code to get $5 for free |
Name | Link | Remarks |
The Hoth Headline Generator | https://www.thehoth.com/headline-generator/ | |
Coschedule Headline Analyzer | https://coschedule.com/headline-analyzer | |
Subject Line | https://www.subjectline.com/ | |
nTopic | http://ntopic.org/ | |
Portent Title Maker | https://www.portent.com/tools/title-maker | |
Blog Topic Generator | https://www.hubspot.com/blog-topic-generator | |
Blog Title Idea Generator | https://www.inboundnow.com/apps/kill-writers-block/ |
Name | Link | Remarks |
Yoast SEO | https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-seo/ | WordPress Plugin |
Rank Math | https://wordpress.org/plugins/seo-by-rank-math/ | WordPress Plugin |
Yoast Real Time Content Analysis | https://yoast.com/research/real-time-content-analysis/ | Online Tool |
All in One SEO Pack | https://wordpress.org/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/ | Online Tool |
Name | Link | Remarks |
HSTS Preload List | https://hstspreload.org/ | |
SSL Labs | https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html | |
Really Simple SSL | https://wordpress.org/plugins/really-simple-ssl/ | |
Let's Encrypt | https://letsencrypt.org/ | Free SSL/TLS Certificates |
Name | Link | Remarks |
Autoptimize | https://wordpress.org/plugins/autoptimize/ | WordPress Plugin |
WP YouTube Lyte | https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-youtube-lyte/ | WordPress Plugin |
WP Rocket | https://www.wplogout.com/wprocket | WordPress Plugin |
Forget Spam Comment | https://wordpress.org/plugins/forget-spam-comment/ | WordPress Plugin |
Lucky Table of Contents | https://wordpress.org/plugins/luckywp-table-of-contents/ | WordPress Plugin |
Name | Link | Remarks |
Create Redirects | https://yoast.com/research/permalink-helper.php | |
Redirection | https://wordpress.org/plugins/redirection/ | WordPress Plugin |
Name | Link | Remarks |
Kombinator | https://kombinator.org/ | |
Jumbo Keyword | https://www.jumbokeyword.com/ | |
Merge words | https://www.toptal.com/marketing/mergewords |
Name | Link | Remarks |
Tubebuddy | https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tubebuddy-for-youtube/mhkhmbddkmdggbhaaaodilponhnccicb | Chrome Extensions |
VidIQ | https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/vidiq-vision-for-youtube/pachckjkecffpdphbpmfolblodfkgbhl | Chrome Extensions |
Name | Link | Remarks |
Online HTML Table Generator | https://divtable.com/generator/ | Online Table Generator |
TablePress | https://wordpress.org/plugins/tablepress/ | WordPress Plugin |
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