PixelCounter is an open source application for counting the pixels of your images. Is simple and Drag&Drop! this app that count amount pixel's from images of next extensions (bmp, jpeg, tiff, gif, png, webp, jpg, psd, svg).
the PixelCounter based in PixelCounter Script created by team Aerolab for use in Culture section of Aerolab website. This script is small but is powerfull and have usage of CLI.
#Fork and tack on
Based in Node-Webkit to have start develop in few minuts and practic steps.
If you have a new featured developed in your fork, you can create a pullrequest to add new release of PixelCounter App.
First of all, you need to install Node.JS (a Javascript platform), which you can download from Download.
Now open the Terminal right in that folder. Now well install a couple of dependencies we need for this project:
On Mac
sudo npm install
bower install
On Window
npm install
bower install
You have this command for start the app. this command compiled, open and livereload app. Because you app not open, you run manually node-webkit and your app refresh only. read Documentation of node-webkit.
On Mac
grunt live-build
this command compiled and watch all file in app/, all change is view and compiled moment at moment.
To test your app you have to build a distribution from it. Depending on your development system you have to use one of the following grunt tasks.
for Windows
grunt dist-win
for Mac
grunt dist-mac # for 64bit
grunt dist-mac32 # for 32bit
The resulting application can then be found in the folder dist. Once the creation of the package and you could go to start it.