This library defines a buf
custom plugin.
This plugin reads in a bunch of proto files, and for the RPC services generates some helpers: behaviour modules and "impl" modules to make calling and testing gRPC methods easier.
This repo is not intended to be used directly, but rather includes an escript
. This can be used as part of a shell script:
which protoc-gen-elixir-rpc || PATH="~/.mix/escripts:$PATH" && mix escript.install --force github surgeventures/elixir-rpc-proto-gen-helpers
Then you can use the plugin for buf generate
. An example buf
config file might be:
version: v2
- local: protoc-gen-elixir
strategy: all
out: ./lib/generated
opt: plugins=grpc
- local: protoc-gen-elixir-rpc
strategy: all
out: ./lib/generated
opt: plugins=grpc
You can also exclude packages from being generated by adding exclude_packages
to the opt
version: v2
- local: protoc-gen-elixir
strategy: all
out: ./lib/generated
opt: plugins=grpc
- local: protoc-gen-elixir-rpc
strategy: all
out: ./lib/generated
- plugins=grpc
- exclude_packages=rpc.gift_cards.v1
If you want to exclude multiple packages, delimit them with a comma.
Note that protoc-gen-elixir
is a separate plugin.
To visualise the metadata structure that is parsed, see buf.example.json
To generate such a file run buf build --output export.json
## Testing
This plugin is tested with integration tests which call buf generate
If you want to run tests, make sure you have buf
installed at version 1.40
or greater.
Running tests assumes that certain executables are in your PATH
PATH="~/.mix/escripts:$PATH" && \
mix escript.install --force hex protobuf 0.7.1 && \
mix && mix escript.install --force protoc-gen-elixir-rpc
Every time you change the CLI code, you must run mix && mix escript.install --force protoc-gen-elixir-rpc
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding rpc_proto_gen_helpers
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:rpc_proto_gen_helpers, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at