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Repository for GALAH Data Release 4 (Buder et al., in prep.)

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GALAH_DR4 - Data Analysis Repository

This data analysis repository accompanies the Data Release 4 (DR4) of the Galactic Archaeology with HERMES (GALAH) Survey.

GALAH is a stellar spectroscopic survey of a million stars in the Milky Way. It's scientific motivation is described by De Silva et al. (2015). GALAH had three previous data releases: DR1 (Martell et al. 2017), DR2 Buder et al. 2018), and DR3 (Buder et al. 2021). For more information see the GALAH survey website.

Quick Links

Data Release Paper: or
Catalogue Access: (including main catalogues for all spectra and all stars as well as value-added-catalogues)
Interactive Visualisation:

GALAH operates with unique sobject_id as identifier of spectra for dates (first 6 digits), runs (next 4 digits), and repeats (next 2 digits), fibres (next 3 digits), and CCDs (last digit).

We also include matches to both Gaia DR3 (as gaiadr3_source_id) and 2MASS (as tmass_id) for all sources.

Which Flags to Use?

  • flag_sp: We recommend to use lower values (with 0 meaning no significant issue found).
  • flag_fe_h: We recommend to neglect this flag
  • flag_x_fe: Use flag_x_fe == 0 for all considered elements of the science case


The stars of the Milky Way carry the chemical history of our Galaxy in their atmospheres as they journey through its vast expanse. Like barcodes, we can extract the chemical fingerprints of stars from high-resolution spectroscopy. The fourth data release (DR4) of the Galactic Archaeology with HERMES (GALAH) Survey, based on a decade of observations, provides the chemical abundances of up to 32 elements for 917,588 stars that also have exquisite astrometric data from the $Gaia$ satellite. For the first time, these elements include life-essential nitrogen to complement carbon, and oxygen as well as more measurements of rare-earth elements critical to modern-life electronics, offering unparalleled insights into the chemical composition of the Milky Way.

For this release, we use neural networks to simultaneously fit stellar parameters and abundances across the full spectrum, leveraging synthetic grids computed with Spectroscopy Made Easy. These grids account for atomic line formation in non-local thermodynamic equilibrium for 14 elements. In a two-iteration process, we first fit stellar labels for all 1,085,520 spectra, then co-add repeated observations and refine these labels using astrometric data from $Gaia$ and 2MASS photometry, improving the accuracy and precision of stellar parameters and abundances. Our validation thoroughly assesses the reliability of spectroscopic measurements and highlights key caveats for catalogue users.

GALAH DR4 represents yet another milestone in Galactic archaeology, combining detailed chemical compositions from multiple nucleosynthetic channels with kinematic information and age estimates. The resulting dataset, covering nearly a million stars, opens new avenues for understanding not only the chemical and dynamical history of the Milky Way, but also the broader questions of the origin of elements and the evolution of planets, stars, and galaxies.

Contents of this repository

In this repository, you find the relevant code and example spectra (excluding large files) for reproducing the GALAH data analysis. Input files are provided by the reduction pipeline of GALAH, which is also published on a github repository.

This repository contains the analysis code, products, and necessary scripts to reproduce the GALAH DR4 analysis pipeline. Below is a brief description of the directory structure:

├── analysis_products_allstar/       # Analysis results for all observed stars, grouped by observation date and star IDs
│   └── 210115/                      # Reference (first) observation date
│       └── 210115002201239/         # Star-specific analysis products (one for each star based on co-added repeat observations)
├── analysis_products_single/        # Analysis results for individual observations
│   └── 210115/                      # Specific observation date
│       └── 210115002201239/         # Spectrum-specific analysis products (one for each visit of a star)
├── auxiliary_information/           # Cross-matches with other catalogs (e.g., Gaia, 2MASS) and additional literature
├── catalogs/                        # Final catalog products for publication
├── observations/                    # Reduced spectra from the observation pipeline, organized by observation date and star ID
│   └── 210115/                      # Observation date
│       └── spectra/                 # 
│           └── com/                 # 
│               └── 210115002201239* # Reduced spectra FITS files with * being a placeholder for CCDs (e.g. *1.fits)
├── spectrum_analysis/               # Code and tools for analyzing spectra to derive stellar parameters and chemical abundances
├── spectrum_grids/                  # Scripts and models for synthetic spectral grids using Spectroscopy Made Easy
├── spectrum_interpolation/          # Tools for interpolating synthetic spectra using trained neural networks
├── spectrum_post_processing/        # Code for post-processing analyzed spectra, including final adjustments and corrections
├── tutorials/                       # Tutorials for plotting reduced spectra - more tutorials are available at [DataCentral](
├── validation/                      # Scripts and figures for validating the analysis against benchmark stars and other surveys like APOGEE

Overview of GALAH DR4

What's new? Fastly interpolated synthetic spectra for the whole wavelength range

To allow the simultanious fitting of stellar parameters and abundances (a shortcoming of the previous data releases affecting especially blended regions), we have changed our fitting approach. We are now producing synthetic spectra for a limited random selection and train neural networks on them. This allows to fit all 5 stellar parameters (Teff, logg, [Fe/H], vmic, vsini) and up to 31 elemental abundances at the same time.

Observed and synthetic spectrum for VESTA

What's new? CNO Abundances

We are fitting CNO abundances now! Thanks to the enhanced creation of synthetic stellar spectra, we are now also producing synthetic spectra for regions with strong molecular absorption features, like C2 (C12-C12 Swan bands before 4738Å) and CN (beyond 7870Å) as well as an underlying CN feature throughout most of the red and infrared region (most notably in cool giants).

Example of strong C2 and CN lines

Flag bitmask explanation

flag_sp bitmask:

Bitmask Description
0 No flag rasied
1 Emission in Halpha/Hbeta detected
2 Broadening (vsini) warning
4 Microturbulence (vmic) warning
8 chi square unusually low/high by 3 sigma
16 Double line splitting detected (SB2)
32 Not all 4 CCDs available
64 Extrapolating spectrum model
128 No spectroscopic analysis results available

flag_x_fe bitmask:

Bitmask Description
0 No flag rasied
1 Upper limit
2 No measurement available

Data model of galah_dr4_allspec file

Column Name Units Description Data Type
sobject_id GALAH identifier >i8
tmass_id 2MASS identifier <U16
gaiadr3_source_id Gaia DR3 source_id >i8
ra deg propagated from Gaia DR3 >f8
dec deg propagated from Gaia DR3 >f8
flag_sp Major spectroscopic fitting quality bitmask flag >i8
chi2_sp Chi2 value of spectroscopic fitting >f4
model_name Neural network model used for creating synthetic spectra <U16
teff K Spectroscopic effective temperature (used for fitting) >f4
e_teff K Uncertainty teff >f4
logg log(cm.s**-2) Spectroscopic surface gravity (used for fitting) >f4
e_logg log(cm.s**-2) Uncertainty logg >f4
fe_h dex Abundance of Fe and all other elements not fitted in GALAH (Fe: 1D-NLTE) >f4
e_fe_h dex Uncertainty fe_h >f4
flag_fe_h Quality flag fe_h >i8
vmic km s-1 Microturbulence velocity (fitted) >f4
e_vmic km s-1 Uncertainty vmic >f4
vsini km s-1 Broadening velocity (fitted sme.vsini with sme.vmac=0) >f4
e_vsini km s-1 Uncertainty of vsini >f4
li_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Li/Fe] >f4
e_li_fe dex Uncertainty Li_fe >f4
flag_li_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Li_fe >i8
c_fe dex Elemental abundance for [C/Fe] >f4
e_c_fe dex Uncertainty C_fe >f4
flag_c_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of C_fe >i8
n_fe dex Elemental abundance for [N/Fe] >f4
e_n_fe dex Uncertainty N_fe >f4
flag_n_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of N_fe >i8
o_fe dex Elemental abundance for [O/Fe] >f4
e_o_fe dex Uncertainty O_fe >f4
flag_o_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of O_fe >i8
na_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Na/Fe] >f4
e_na_fe dex Uncertainty Na_fe >f4
flag_na_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Na_fe >i8
mg_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Mg/Fe] >f4
e_mg_fe dex Uncertainty Mg_fe >f4
flag_mg_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Mg_fe >i8
al_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Al/Fe] >f4
e_al_fe dex Uncertainty Al_fe >f4
flag_al_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Al_fe >i8
si_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Si/Fe] >f4
e_si_fe dex Uncertainty Si_fe >f4
flag_si_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Si_fe >i8
k_fe dex Elemental abundance for [K/Fe] >f4
e_k_fe dex Uncertainty K_fe >f4
flag_k_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of K_fe >i8
ca_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Ca/Fe] >f4
e_ca_fe dex Uncertainty Ca_fe >f4
flag_ca_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Ca_fe >i8
sc_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Sc/Fe] >f4
e_sc_fe dex Uncertainty Sc_fe >f4
flag_sc_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Sc_fe >i8
ti_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Ti/Fe] >f4
e_ti_fe dex Uncertainty Ti_fe >f4
flag_ti_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Ti_fe >i8
v_fe dex Elemental abundance for [V/Fe] >f4
e_v_fe dex Uncertainty V_fe >f4
flag_v_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of V_fe >i8
cr_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Cr/Fe] >f4
e_cr_fe dex Uncertainty Cr_fe >f4
flag_cr_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Cr_fe >i8
mn_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Mn/Fe] >f4
e_mn_fe dex Uncertainty Mn_fe >f4
flag_mn_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Mn_fe >i8
co_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Co/Fe] >f4
e_co_fe dex Uncertainty Co_fe >f4
flag_co_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Co_fe >i8
ni_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Ni/Fe] >f4
e_ni_fe dex Uncertainty Ni_fe >f4
flag_ni_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Ni_fe >i8
cu_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Cu/Fe] >f4
e_cu_fe dex Uncertainty Cu_fe >f4
flag_cu_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Cu_fe >i8
zn_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Zn/Fe] >f4
e_zn_fe dex Uncertainty Zn_fe >f4
flag_zn_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Zn_fe >i8
rb_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Rb/Fe] >f4
e_rb_fe dex Uncertainty Rb_fe >f4
flag_rb_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Rb_fe >i8
sr_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Sr/Fe] >f4
e_sr_fe dex Uncertainty Sr_fe >f4
flag_sr_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Sr_fe >i8
y_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Y/Fe] >f4
e_y_fe dex Uncertainty Y_fe >f4
flag_y_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Y_fe >i8
zr_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Zr/Fe] >f4
e_zr_fe dex Uncertainty Zr_fe >f4
flag_zr_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Zr_fe >i8
mo_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Mo/Fe] >f4
e_mo_fe dex Uncertainty Mo_fe >f4
flag_mo_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Mo_fe >i8
ru_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Ru/Fe] >f4
e_ru_fe dex Uncertainty Ru_fe >f4
flag_ru_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Ru_fe >i8
ba_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Ba/Fe] >f4
e_ba_fe dex Uncertainty Ba_fe >f4
flag_ba_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Ba_fe >i8
la_fe dex Elemental abundance for [La/Fe] >f4
e_la_fe dex Uncertainty La_fe >f4
flag_la_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of La_fe >i8
ce_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Ce/Fe] >f4
e_ce_fe dex Uncertainty Ce_fe >f4
flag_ce_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Ce_fe >i8
nd_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Nd/Fe] >f4
e_nd_fe dex Uncertainty Nd_fe >f4
flag_nd_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Nd_fe >i8
sm_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Sm/Fe] >f4
e_sm_fe dex Uncertainty Sm_fe >f4
flag_sm_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Sm_fe >i8
eu_fe dex Elemental abundance for [Eu/Fe] >f4
e_eu_fe dex Uncertainty Eu_fe >f4
flag_eu_fe dex Quality bitmask flag of Eu_fe >i8
v_bary_eff km s-1 Barycentric velocity applied to reduced spectra >f8
red_rv_ccd km s-1 Reduction pipeline best radial velocity for each CCD >f4
red_e_rv_ccd km s-1 Reduction pipeline uncertainty of red_rv_ccd >f4
red_rv_com km s-1 Reduction pipeline combined best radial velocity >f8
red_e_rv_com km s-1 Reduction pipeline uncertainty of red_rv_com >f8
red_teff K Reduction pipeline best teff >f8
red_logg log(cm.s**-2) Reduction pipeline best logg >f8
red_fe_h dex Reduction pipeline best fe_h >f8
red_alpha_fe dex Reduction pipeline best alpha_fe >f8
red_vmic km s-1 Reduction pipeline best vmic >f8
red_vbroad km s-1 Reduction pipeline best vbroad >f8
red_flag Reduction pipeline quality bitmask flag >i8
sb2_rv_16 km s-1 16th perc. radial velocity of fit to syn-obs residuals >f4
sb2_rv_50 km s-1 50th perc. radial velocity of fit to syn-obs residuals >f4
sb2_rv_84 km s-1 84th perc. radial velocity of fit to syn-obs residuals >f4
ew_h_beta Angstroem Equivalent Width of fit for syn-obs residuals at Hbeta core >f4
ew_h_alpha Angstroem Equivalent Width of fit for syn-obs residuals at Halpha core >f4
ew_k_is Angstroem Equivalent Width of fit for K7699 Interstellar Line >f4
sigma_k_is Sigma auf Gaussian fit for K7699 Interstellar Line >f4
rv_k_is km s-1 Radial velocity of fit to syn-obs residuals around K7699 line >f4
ew_dib5780 Angstroem Equivalent Width of fit for 5780 Diffiuse Interstellar Band >f4
sigma_dib5780 Sigma auf Gaussian fit for 5780 DIB >f4
rv_dib5780 km s-1 Radial velocity of fit to syn-obs residuals around 5780 DIB >f4
ew_dib5797 Angstroem Equivalent Width of fit for 5797 Diffiuse Interstellar Band >f4
sigma_dib5797 Sigma auf Gaussian fit for 5797 DIB >f4
rv_dib5797 km s-1 Radial velocity of fit to syn-obs residuals around 5797 DIB >f4
ew_dib6613 Angstroem Equivalent Width of fit for 6613 Diffiuse Interstellar Band >f4
sigma_dib6613 Sigma auf Gaussian fit for 6613 DIB >f4
rv_dib6613 km s-1 Radial velocity of fit to syn-obs residuals around 6613 DIB >f4
snr Average signal-to-noise ratio (per pixel) of each CCD >f4

How to Cite

Please cite this work as follows:

    author = {{Buder}, S., {Kos}, J., {Wang}, E.~X., {McKenzie}, M., {Howell}, M., {Martell}, S.~L., {Hayden}, M.~R., {Zucker}, D.~B., {Nordlander}, T., {Montet}, B.~T., {Traven}, G., {Bland-Hawthorn}, J., {De~Silva}, G.~M., {Freeman}, K.~C., {Lewis}, G.~F., {Lind}, K., {Sharma}, S., {Simpson}, J.~D., {Stello}, D., {Zwitter}, T., {Amarsi}, A.~M., {Armstrong}, J.~J., {Banks}, K., {Beavis}, M.~A., {Beeson}, K., {Chen}, B., {Ciuc{\u{a}}}, I., {Da~Costa}, G.~S., {de~Grijs}, R., {Martin}, B., {Nataf}, D.~M., {Ness}, M.~K., {Rains}, A.~D., {Scarr}, T., {Vogrin{\v{c}}i{\v{c}}}, R., {Wang}, Z., {Wittenmyer}, R.~A., {Xie}, Y., {The GALAH Collaboration}},
    title = {The GALAH Survey: Data Release 4},
    journal = {arXiv e-prints},
    volume = {abs/2409.19858)},
    month = apr,
    pages = {arXiv:2409.19858},
    year = {2024},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    eprint = {2409.19858},
    keywords = {Surveys -- the Galaxy -- methods: observational -- methods: data analysis -- stars: fundamental parameters -- stars: abundances},
    doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2409.19858},
    primaryClass = {astro-ph.GA},
    adsurl = {},


Repository for GALAH Data Release 4 (Buder et al., in prep.)






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