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Manual for functions

Valentin Sudakov edited this page Jun 8, 2021 · 4 revisions

Let the documentation BEGIN ;D

Sparks experiential functionality

The sparks experiential functionality used to determine the end of notes on some videos where notes follow each other: Sparks functionality disabled: sparks_off Result in midi: sparks_off_result

Sparks functionality enabled: sparks_on Result in midi: sparks_on_result

Snap to grid functionality

First to good result need to set a start frame [S] key, to calculate notes time origin, then turn on "Snap to grid". Default notes snap to grid 1/32. Example below: snap to grid result: snap_to_grid_on1.png

Alternate colors functionality

Alternate colors functionality used for determinate notes from real video with piano keyboard, where all keys initialized with own colors and when difference between two colors ( initialized and current ) greather, than the specified value, then keys considered as pressed.

Watch a video with example

Rollcheck functionality:

Used for reading Synthesia notes roll to reduce false triggering of black keys. See example here: /midis/rollcheck_example_output/

reconstruction from: use_rollcheck

Watch a video with example