E-additives: The application focuses on food additives of the standart European E-Code Classification (E100 - E1520), for example -E102 (Tartrazine). The idea is simple. Using his device camera, user scans ingridientsof the product, from supermarket shelf, app analyzes the retrieved text, searching there food additives, and displays information about them - degree of their safety (toxicity), and the associated with them warnings. In addition, app present search additive by the code, sorting them into categories for more usual interaction.
The application has been written for educational purposes:
- Introducing to the views and the patterns of the new version of android: RecyclerView & Cards, FloatActionButton, Toolbar etc.
- Connect and interact with native OCR library.
- The practice of interaction with the REST API external Web service.
- Basic validation of user input devices.
- Serialization \ deserialization of data in JSON is not regular means of android, in this case - with help gson.
- Working with Camera API.
- Additional practice of using regular expressions.
- Different interesting trivia NO adaptation of the ui for tablet screens, localization, testing as a stage of development, caching, and more.