- Working with APIs to get and assess data
- Store information in a Database (MySQL)
This project uses the tweepy module to get tweets and the Tone Analyzer from IBMs watson module to analyze the tone of the tweets
You need to create the cloud resource and use the credentials that are generated upon creation (API key and endpoint URL) first, on your IBM cloud account
If you just generate an API key and use that in your script, without creating the resource, you'll get a 403: Forbidden
- contains function for creating a connection the the database you've created and want to save your information to
- contains function for creating the twitter API object, which will be used to search for tweets
- contains function for creating API client and endpoint
- contains function for analyzing the tone of the tweets which we will pass into it
- the main script where everything happens
- asks user for the word/topic they would like to query
- asks user for the number of tweets they would like returned
- runs query and gets tweets
- tweets are processed, analyzed, and then entered into the DB
- TONE ANALYZER: Lite Plan = 2500 API calls/month
- TWITTER API: Rate Limit Doc