Dsjconvert.py program transforms SAS V5 XPORT (XPT), SAS7BDAT, CSV, Pandas, and Parquet datasets into the Dataset-JSON format for data exchange. Dsjconvert.py is a CLI with a verbose mode to make the applications settings and behaviors transparent to support testing and debugging.
This application requires a Define-XML file to provide the metadata needed for the conversion.
This application uses the included data directory as the default for reading and writing datasets.
The application uses the -v flag to turn on verbose mode, the -x flag to converts XPT files, and the -b flag to convert SAS datasets. Set either the -x or -b flag, but not both.
The directories default to the data directory that's part of this repo if alternatives are not specified on the command-line.
optional arguments:
Flag | Name | Description |
-h | --help | show this help message and exit |
-p | --dsj_path | directory containing Dataset-JSON datasets |
-d | --define | directory and filename for the define.xml file |
-s | --sas_path | directory containing the SAS files |
-v | --verbose | verbose |
-x | --xpt | Boolean that indicates XPT files should be converted |
-b | --sas | Boolean that indicates SAS dataset files should be converted |
The following example uses all defaults except it toggle verbose mode on (recommended when first trying out the application).
python dsjconvert.py -v
You may also run the program with all defaults and not include any command-line parameters. In this case the program runs quietly, uses the ./data directory for all dataset inputs and outputs, and converts XPT files. The default settings were created to make it easy to try out the program during the pilot.
The following example uses the default data directory for the dataset inputs and Dataset-JSON outputs. The -x flag indicates that we're converting XPT file and the -v flag toggles verbose mode on.
python dsjconvert.py -v -x
This example uses the -d flag to add the Define-XML path and file name.
python dsjconvert.py -v -x -d c:\\Users\\SamHume\\temp\\dsj-python-outputs\\define.xml
This example uses the -p flag to set the path for the Dataset-JSON outputs
python dsjconvert.py -v -x -p c:\\Users\\SamHume\\temp\\dsj-python-outputs
This example adds the -s flag to set the directory for the dataset inputs which in this case are XPT files since the -x flag is set.
python dsjconvert.py -v -x -p c:\\Users\\SamHume\\temp\\dsj-python-outputs
-s c:\\Users\\SamHume\\git\\dataset-json\\data
This example is the same as the previous example, except it uses the -b flag to indicate that SAS datasets are being converted instead of XPT files.
python dsjconvert.py -v -b -p c:\\Users\\SamHume\\temp\\dsj-python-outputs
-s c:\\Users\\SamHume\\git\\dataset-json\\data