A simple promises wrapper around mongodb nodejs drivers.
To install the most recent release from npm, run:
npm install mongodb-promises
var db = require('mongodb-promises').db('host:port', 'db_name'), // host can be array in case of replSet
todoColl = db.collection('todos');
todoColl.insert([{text: 'first todo'}, {text: 'second todo'}])
.then(function (resultArr) {
console.log('saved successfully');
.catch(function (err) {
console.error('Error on insert ', err);
- collection(collectionName, options) Returns a collection object to perform operations on a collection using promises.
- drop() To drop database, call it carefully.
- createCollection(name, options) Creates a collections on mongodb, usefull if you want collections be created before use(Mongodb can create collection if not exist on first document creation).
insert(doc, options) Insert single or array of document(s) mongodb api
remove(selector, options) Remove dcument(s) mongodb api
rename(newName) Rename collection mongodb api
save(doc, options). mongodb api
update(selector, doc, options) mongodb api
updateUpsert(selector, doc) Update Or upsert document.
updateMulti(selector, doc) Update multiple records.
distinct(key, query, options) mongodb api
count(filter) mongodb api
countAll() Count all documents in collection.
drop() Drop collection, use it carefully mongodb api
findAndModify(query, sort, doc, options) mongodb api
findAndModifyOrUpsert(query, sort, doc)
findAndRemove(query, sort, options) mongodb api
find(query, options) mongodb api
findOne(query, options) mongodb api
mapReduce(map, reduce, options) mongodb api
group(keys, condition, initial, reduce, finalize, command, options) mongodb api
options() mongodb api
isCapped() mongodb api
geoNear(x, y, options) mongodb api
geoHaystackSearch(x, y, options) mongodb api
aggregate(array, options) mongodb api
stats() mongodb api
indexes() mongodb api
createIndex(fieldOrSpec, options) mongodb api
ensureIndex(fieldOrSpec, options) mongodb api
indexInformation(options) mongodb api
dropIndex(name) mongodb api
dropAllIndexes() mongodb api
reIndex() mongodb api
indexExists(indexNames) mongodb api