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Add gauges to your HTML pages with a customizable HTML tag


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rockiot-gauge is a webcomponent (custom HTML element) created using Vue.js, to add awesome gauges in your HTML pages.

All elements created with rockiot-gauge are based on SVG. rockiot-gauge doesn't use any canvas.

For this reason you can customize or even manipulate all elements using standard CSS classes and JS.


  • radial (adapted JS from naikus)
  • linear vertical
  • linear horizontal


Demo here (click on each gauge to check random values and animation)

Basic example


<rockiot-gauge serial="001" variation="radial" min="0" max="100" value="22"></rockiot-gauge>

linear vertical

<rockiot-gauge serial="001" variation="linear" min="0" max="100" value="22"></rockiot-gauge>

linear horizontal

<rockiot-gauge serial="001" variation="linear" orientation="horizontal" min="0" max="100" value="22"></rockiot-gauge>


As for standard HTML tags, rockiot-gauge has different attributes in order to control and customize it.

attribute required default description remarks
serial yes gauge Unique id You can also add a different id attribute
variation no radial Gauge type radial / linear
orientation no vertical Gauge orientation applied only for linear gauges
startangle no 135 Gauge start angle applied only for radial gauges
endtangle no 45 Gauge end angle applied only for radial gauges
radius no 40 Gauge bar radius applied only for radial gauges
title no Gauge Gauge title
units no Gauge value units
min no 0 Minimum value
max no 100 Maximum value
value yes 0 Initial value
precision no 2 Value precision 0 - 5
size no md Gauge size sm=small md=default lg=large
scale no 0 Gauge major scale enable gauge scale : 0=disable 1=enable
ticks no 10 Gauge scale ticks gauge scale divisions
smallscale no 0 Gauge minor scale display a minor scale 0=disable 1=enable applied if scale enabled when enabled add 10 ticsk between each major scale division
needle no 0 Gauge needle 0=disable 1=enable
animation no 500 Animation duration (ms) 0=no animation keep below value update rating
bar-color no #444 Gauge bar color
bar-border-color no #444 Gauge bar border color
progress-color no #ff0000 Gauge progress bar color
progress-border-color no #ff0000 Gauge progress bar border color
scale-color no #aaa Gauge scale color
scale-text-color no #aaa Gauge scale text color
needle-color no #777 Gauge needle fill color
needle-stroke-color no #000 Gauge needle stroke color
text-color no #777 Gauge title and units color
value-color no #cecece Gauge display value color
value-bg-color no transparent Gauge display value background color
value-border-color no 0px solid #eaeaea Gauge display value border color

CSS Classes

You can even customize rockiot-gauge changing the default CSS classes

CSS class description remarks
rockiot-gauge Gauge main container Main HTML Tag
.rockiot-radial Gauge radial container
.rockiot-linear Gauge linear wrapper Gauge progress bar
.rockiot-linear-vertical Gauge linear vertical wrapper
.rockiot-linear-horizontal Gauge linear horizontal wrapper
.rockiot-svg Gauge SVG element
.rockiot-dial Gauge radial dial path Gauge bar
.rockiot-value Gauge radial value path Gauge progress bar
.rockiot-title-text Gauge radial title
.rockiot-scale Gauge scale Gauge scale elements
.rockiot-output-radial Gauge radial output wrapper
.rockiot-output-dec Gauge radial decimals value

VUE Project setup

The source code has been created using Vue.js so you can create your vue project and change it as per you needs.

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your tests

npm run test

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


For radial gauge used and adapted JS library from naikus


This project is licensed under MIT