Announce MeetUps and Events on different platforms
Zero features implemented so far. Just a little setup and some unit tests.
- Use Spring for DI
- use Spring REST template to access
- have integration tests that actually access 3rd party web servers
- use Spring Boot to offer access to the app from outside
- deploy somehow. docker?
- have clean unit tests (which do not access 3rd party web servers)
- create a twitter app that can tweet
- You need Java 8 and Gradle ? installed.
- An env var MEETUP_COM_API_KEY with a valid api key for (goto website -> "..." on top right -> API -> pick "API Key" from navbar -> make it visible by clicking the lock symbol)
- There is a sandbox group on that you can join to test your code
An coreOS instance is waiting on digital ocean. Contact me for machine details, i would rather not post them publicly). You can probably