A collection of shell scripts meant to be run in OS X for automating various tasks
- airport-config-converter.sh Convert exported Apple AirPort baseconfig file to nice clean human readable comma delimited file. Usage: airport-config-converter.sh -c airport.baseconfig > airport.baseconfig.csv
- backup-to-network-drive.sh Backup specified local folder to network share drive over AFP
- bluetooth-fix.sh Fix Bluetooth by removing the Bluetooth.plist file
- build-el-capitan-bootable-usb.sh Build an OS X El Capitan Bootable Thumb Drive
- build-mavericks-bootable-usb.sh Build an OS X Mavericks Bootable Thumb Drive
- build-yosemite-bootable-usb.sh Build an OS X Yosemite Bootable Thumb Drive
- convert-yosemite-beta-virtualbox.sh Convert the OS X Yosemite Beta installer app to a format that is compatible with VirtualBox
- customize-bash-profile.sh Bash profile customizations
- disassociate-apple-id-iwork.sh Disassociate an Apple ID from iWork applications, allowing a new Apple ID sign in and App Store updates
- install-s3cmd-osx.sh Install s3cmd on OS X
- Make Animated GIF.workflow Automator script to generate an animated gif from two or more files selected in Finder using Quick Actions
- mysql-backups-cleanup-s3.sh Delete old database backups from AWS S3
- outlook-disable-darkmode.sh Disable macOS Mojave Dark Mode for Microsoft Outlook
- remove_DS_Store.sh Recursively remove .DS_Store files from current directory
- Restart AirPort Extreme Router.scpt AppleScript to Restart AirPort Extreme Router
- Restart AirPort Extreme Router.app Exported AppleScript application to Restart AirPort Extreme Router
- Restart Apple Mail.workflow Automator script to Restart Apple Mail
- server-security-updates.sh Run locally (on OS X) to apply updates in serverupdates.sh script
- serverupdates.sh Automatically install server updates and log results to file
- setup-developer-environment.sh Setup a new developer environment in OS X
- syncSSHkeys.sh Sync authorized ssh keys on all servers with a master list
- update-developer-environment.sh Update developer environment in OS X