Release 2024.09.29
Upgrade instructions
From #6296 (Add epsilon when reading NumericInitialData):
Any executable that reads in numeric initial data must add the following option to the NumericInitialData:
ObservationValueEpsilon: Auto # <-- This defaults to 1e-12
Merged pull-requests (21)
CLI & Python bindings (1):
- support ElementId in kernels (#6289)
General changes (15):
- Observe worldtube position, velocity and acceleration (#6272)
- Add several common time dependent options (#6113)
- Add volume integrands for XCTS asymptotic quantities. (#6276)
- Observe min delta x in ObserveTimeStepVolume (#6301)
- Add (#6300)
- Add epsilon when reading NumericInitialData (#6296)
- Deprecate the Metric worldtube format in CCE (#6299)
- Add block_names function to domain and allow non-isotropic mesh where we force DG (#6302)
- Add tags used to smoothly turn on the self force (#6273)
- Add jacobian for hydro coupling source term (#6132)
- Communicate volume mesh in boundary data (#6293)
- Support time range and only combining some blocks in combine_h5 (#6306)
- Mark formaline objects noexecstack (#6309)
- Allow observing only some blocks in ObserveFields (#6305)
- Fix two Python tests (#6307)
Documentation (2):
- Add documentation and function to make debugging multiple MPI ranks easier (#6288)
- Hitchhiker’s Guide Update (#6304)
Bugfixes (1):
- Fix output for eccentricity params (#6290)
Continuous integration & deployment (2):
Contributors (10): @nikwit, @nilsvu, @guilara, @knelli2, @iago-mendes, @nilsdeppe, @pajkosmi, @kidder, @wthrowe, @SunPeike