This project is a playground to try the following technologies:
- Microsoft Orleans
- SinglaR
- Flutter
- Azure
|-- /OrleanPG - Backend application
| |-- /OrleanPG.Cient - Console client application. Functionality: create game, list games, play game, etc.
| |-- /OrleanPG.Grains - Grains implementation
| | |-- /Game - Game Grain and state storage model. Implements logic for game and game intialization.
| | |-- /GameBot - Game Bot Grain and state storage model. Implements logic for playing with bot (choose random position on each turn).
| | *-- /GameLobbyGrain - Game Lobby Grain and state storage models. Implements logic for pseudo authorization, game creation and adding bot to game.
| |-- /OrleanPG.Grains.Interfaces - Grain interfaces
| |-- /OrleanPG.Grains.UnitTests - unit tests for grains. Yep, I cover my code with tests even for pet-projects ;)
| |-- /OrleanPG.Silo - grains host
| *-- /SinglaR_PG.WebAPI - API endpoint for clients
|-- /clientapp - Mobile client written in Flutter
- Replace connection string with your Azure storage access key (yep, this should be moved to config obviously). Hardcoded access key is revoked already.
- Run Flutter client
- Run OrleanPG.Silo
- Run SinglaR_PG.WebAPI At that moment you can "login" in mobile app, create game and play with a bot.
Optionally you may run console client (OrleanPG.Cient), join the game and play versus yourself.
Please don't judge strictly, project was written in spare time and frozen in the middle.