PoC-for-Free provider which permit to PoC (virtual machine, database…) 🎉: Always-Free (unlimited time for compute/database/storage) Artifact Cloudsmith 🎉 JFrog Bintray 🎉 Packagecloud 🎉 CI/CD Bitrise 🎉 CircleCI 🎉 GitHub Actions 🎉 GitLab 🎉 Semaphore 🎉 Shippable 🎉 Travis-CI 🎉 Cloud provider Infrastructure as a Service Alibaba Cloud Amazon Web Services Google Cloud Platform 🎉 IBM Cloud Microsoft Azure Oracle Cloud 🎉 Platform as a Service Heroku Container Registry Canister 🎉 Docker Hub 🎉 Quay 🎉 Crash and Exception Handling Sentry 🎉 CDN/DDOS/Free Domain Name Cdnjs 🎉 Cloudflare 🎉 Freedns by Afraid 🎉 Freenom 🎉 Hurricane Electric Free DNS 🎉 Database Cassandra DataStax Astra 🎉 InfluxDB Corlysis 🎉 InfluxData 🎉 Scalingo 🎉 MongoDB MongoDB Atlas 🎉 Scalingo 🎉 MySQL Scalingo 🎉 Other Airtable 🎉 Fauna 🎉 8base 🎉 PostgreSQL ElephantSQL 🎉 Heroku 🎉 Scalingo 🎉 Redis Heroku 🎉 Scalingo 🎉 Issue Tracking and Project Management Asana 🎉 Jira 🎉 Taiga 🎉 Trello 🎉 Search Engine ElasticSearch Bonsai 🎉 Scalingo 🎉 Solr Opensolr VCS hosting Bitbucket 🎉 GitHub 🎉 GitLab 🎉 Web Hosting Netlify 🎉 OpeNode 🎉 Surge 🎉 Zeit 🎉