A program that could make you invisible made using Python-OpenCv.
This repo contains 2 types of program for using all the cloaks accept blue one, You have to run the background.py and press q to capture the background picture then you can easily run any other color cloak file and take the expirience of being invisible. The other one blue one has both background and frame integrated so you have to first press q after running BlueCloak.py file and capture background and them video is getting recorded you have to use any blue cloth and see for yourself being invisible. press q to exit any file.
Enjoy your invisibility.
Read and understand how it works - https://medium.com/@syedareehaquasar/invisible-cloak-opencv-project-ce3a613f3ed3?source=friends_link&sk=b02c6635cf3368e284c63db33e6675b9
references: https://medium.com/@harshilp/invisibility-cloak-using-opencv-8b07142c83d6