Releases: sympa-community/sympa
Sympa 6.2.41 beta 2 released
The Sympa Community is proud to release the new beta of the next version of Sympa. Please install it to test and report bugs, translate user interface to your language, or enhance documentation of Sympa, if you want to help the Sympa community deliver a more reliable version of Sympa.
Sympa 6.2.41b.2 is the new beta version of Sympa 6.2.
This version introduces some improvements and fixes several bugs.
About beta version
This version is a pre-release version of the next stable release. We expect feedback from users and developers. To know how to report bugs or improvements, see Contributing to Sympa.
- Next stable release, 6.2.42, is planned to be released on Wednesday, 20th March 2019 (in UTC).
Translation catalog was updated because some messages were added mainly for new feature.
- Translations added on translation site before 13th March 00:00 UTC will be shipped with the stable release.
Along with several bug fixes, this version introduces several features including following things for beta testing.
Global "quiet add" policy (#503)
Have a quiet_subscription
setting in sympa.conf
allowing to enforce the "quiet add" policy, either for forcing quiet subscriptions (in enterprise for ex.) or disabling quiet subscriptions (public Sympa server, have to respect GDPR). Default behavior will be no enforcing, so quiet add is list's owner's choice.
"Delete my account" button (#300)
A "delete my account" button wll unsubscribe you from all lists and remove your account immediately. To protect that feature, Sympa could asks for the user password. By default this feature is disabled: allow_account_deletion
setting in sympa.conf
may activate it.
"Domain blacklist" feature (#295)
setting in sympa.conf
will prevent addresses with particular domain(s) from subscribing to list. This feature may be useful for some purposes, for example not to register addresses with domains no longer providing mail service.
The freeze for the next Debian release has been started and will culminate in a full freeze on 2019-03-12.
The latest stable release of Sympa (6.2.40) has been migrated to Debian testing. If possible, more improvements may be added before the doors are closed. In addition to that, it is planned that the latest release will be go into stretch backports.
To help Debian Sympa Team with testing the packages, please contact them.
People running either Fedora or RHEL (and clones) can find ready to use RPMs for sympa beta releases in a COPR sympa-beta repository.
For Fedora, see instruction in the page above. For RHEL and clones, you also need to enable the EPEL repository.
- Note that unofficial repository on is still available. Administrators who have used it and are not planning to install beta do not need to change their repository settings.
Sympa 6.2.41 beta released
The Sympa Community is proud to release the first beta of the next version of Sympa. Please install it to test and report bugs, translate user interface to your language, or enhance documentation of Sympa, if you want to help the Sympa community deliver a more reliable version of Sympa.
Sympa 6.2.41b.1 is the new beta version of Sympa 6.2.
This version introduces some improvements and fixes several bugs.
About beta version
This version is a pre-release version of the next stable release. We expect feedback from users and developers. To know how to report bugs or improvements, see Contributing to Sympa.
- Next stable release, 6.2.42, is planned to be released on Wednesday, 20th March 2019 (in UTC).
Translation catalog was updated because some messages were added mainly for new feature.
- Translations added on translation site before 13th March 00:00 UTC will be shipped with the stable release.
Along with several bug fixes, this version introduces several features including following things for beta testing.
Global "quiet add" policy (#503)
Have a quiet_subscription
setting in sympa.conf
allowing to enforce the "quiet add" policy, either for forcing quiet subscriptions (in enterprise for ex.) or disabling quiet subscriptions (public Sympa server, have to respect GDPR). Default behavior will be no enforcing, so quiet add is list's owner's choice.
"Delete my account" button (#300)
A "delete my account" button wll unsubscribe you from all lists and remove your account immediatly. To protect that feature, Sympa could asks for the user password. By default this feature is disabled: allow_account_deletion
setting in sympa.conf
may activate it.
"Domain blacklist" feature (#295)
setting in sympa.conf
will prevent addresses with particular domain(s) from subscribing to list. This feature may be useful for some purposes, for example not to register addresses with domains no longer providing mail service.
The freeze for the next Debian release has been started and will culminate in a full freeze on 2019-03-12.
The latest stable release of Sympa (6.2.40) has been migrated to Debian testing. If possible, more improvements may be added before the doors are closed. In addition to that, it is planned that the latest release will be got into stretch backports.
To help Debian Sympa Team with testing the packages, please contact them.
People running either Fedora or RHEL (and clones) can find ready to use RPMs for sympa beta releases in a COPR sympa-beta repository.
For Fedora, see instruction in the page above. For RHEL and clones, you also need to enable the EPEL repository.
- Note that unofficial repository on is still available. Administrators who have used it and are not planning to install beta do not need to change their repository settings.
Sympa 6.2.40 released
The Sympa Community is proud to release the newest version of Sympa.
Sympa 6.2.40 is the newest patch release of Sympa 6.2. Administrators running or planning to run previous version (6.2.38) are strongly recommended to upgrade to this version. For more details, see “Note for upgrading” below.
- Download source distribution
- Check the release notes
- Check the upgrade instructions from earlier versions
- How to contribute to Sympa
Note for upgrading
This version fixes a bug introduced into Sympa 6.2.38 (See issue #527 for details). This bug does not affect earlier versions.
Administrators matching following conditions are recommended to upgrade Sympa to this version.
- Sympa 6.2.38 is running,
- web interface is available, and
- there are lists which either:
- make archives open to public and enable "cookie" spam protection (note that "cookie" setting is enabled by default),
- allow the users to unsubscribe themselves from the list using web interface (including use of "auto_signoff" link in message footer), or
- allow to use URL links in system messages so that users authorize requests for adding, removing, moving or reminding users.
Sympa 6.2.38 released
The Sympa Community is proud to release the newest version of Sympa.
Sympa 6.2.38 is the newest stable version of Sympa 6.2.
- Download source distribution
- Check the release notes
- Check the upgrade instructions from earlier versions
- How to contribute to Sympa
This version fixes several bugs, and introduces some enhancements including new features described in below. Translations to several languages have been mostly completed. Administrators are encouraged to upgrade Sympa to this version.
Highlight of this version
ARC support
Sympa supports ARC (Authenticated Received Chain). Its implementation and documentation were contributed by John Levine.
In a nutshell, ARC is an e-mail authentication scheme that remedies a problem of DMARC especially with mailing list service. About ARC in general, see a slide by (PDF). To enable ARC on Sympa, documentation on DKIM and ARC with Sympa.
CSRF tolerance
Random token to prevent CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgeries) attacks will be inserted in every form on web interface. This enhancement was contributed by Michael Kaczmarczik, UT Austin.
Thanks to heavy works by translators on translation site, Sympa completely or almost completely supports following languages:
- Spanish (Español)
- Galician (Galego)
- German (Deutsch)
- French (Français)
- Russian (Русский)
- Japanese (日本語)
- US English
Along with languages above, help documents for users are provided in following languages:
- Catalan (Català)
- Basque (Euskara)
- Polish (Polski)
Binary distribution for Fedora and RHEL (and clones)
People running either Fedora or RHEL (and clones) can find ready to use RPMs for sympa in a COPR sympa repository.
People willing to also get sympa beta releases should additionally use this COPR sympa-beta repository.
For Fedora, see instruction in the pages above. For RHEL and clones, you also need to enable the EPEL repository.
- Note that unofficial repository on is still available. Administrators who have used it and are not planning to install beta do not need to change their repository settings.
Have a great new year with Sympa!
Sympa 6.2.37 beta 3 released
The Sympa Community is proud to release the third beta of the next version of Sympa. Please install it to test and report bugs, translate user interface to your language, or enhance documentation of Sympa, if you want to help the Sympa community deliver a more reliable version of Sympa.
Sympa 6.2.37b.3 is the new beta version of Sympa 6.2.
This version introduces some improvements and fixes several bugs.
About beta version
This version is a pre-release version of the next stable release. We expect feedback from users and developers. To know how to report bugs or improvements, see Contributing to Sympa.
- Next stable release, 6.2.38, is planned to be released on Friday, 21st December 2018.
Translation catalog was updated because some messages were added mainly for new feature.
- Translations added on translation site before 19th December 00:00 UTC will be shipped with the stable release.
Binary distribution for Fedora and RHEL (and clones)
People running either Fedora or RHEL (and clones) can find ready to use RPMs for sympa 6.2.37 beta 3 in a COPR repository.
For Fedora, see instruction in the page above. For RHEL and clones, you also need to enable the EPEL repository.
- Note that unofficial repository on is still available. Administrators who have used it and are not planning to install beta do not need to change their repository settings.
Adding ARC support
This version also aims to be a draft of ARC (Authenticated Received Chain) support with Sympa. Its implementation and documentation were contributed by John Levine.
In a nutshell, ARC is an e-mail authentication scheme that remedies a problem of DMARC especially with mailing list service. Supporting it, we may avoid confusing rewriting on originator addresses. For details about ARC, see a slide by (PDF).
We are looking forward to your feedback on GitHub issue page or mailing lists.
Sympa 6.2.37 beta 2 released
The Sympa Community is proud to release the second beta of the next version of Sympa. Please install it to test and report bugs, translate user interface to your language, or enhance documentation on Sympa, if you want to help the Sympa community to deliver a more reliable version of Sympa.
Sympa 6.2.37b.2 is the new beta version of Sympa 6.2.
This version introduces some inprovements and fixes several bugs.
About beta version
This version is a prerelease version of new stable release. We expect feedback from users and developers. To know how to report bugs or improvements, see Contributing to Sympa.
- New stable release is planned to be released in Friday, 21st December 2018.
Translation catalog was updated because some messages were added mainly for new feature.
- Translations added on translation site not after 19th December 00:00 UTC will be shipped with new stable release.
Adding ARC support
This version also aims to be a draft of ARC (Authenticated Received Chain) support with Sympa. Its implementation and documentation were contributed by John Levine.
In a nutshell, ARC is an e-mail authentication scheme that remedies a problem of DMARC especially with mailing list service. Supporting it, we may avoid confusing rewriting on originator addresses. For details about ARC, see a slide by (PDF).
We will look forward your feedbacks on GitHub issue page or mailing lists.
Sympa 6.2.37 beta released
The Sympa Community is proud to release the first beta of the next version of Sympa. Please install it to test and report bugs, translate user interface to your language, or enhance documentation on Sympa, if you want to help the Sympa community to deliver a more reliable version of Sympa.
Sympa 6.2.37b.1 is the new beta version of Sympa 6.2.
This version introduces some inprovements including ARC support (see below) and fixes a few bugs.
About beta version
This version is a prerelease version of new stable release. We expect feedback from users and developers. To know how to report bugs or improvements, see Contributing to Sympa.
- New stable release is planned to be released in Friday, 21st December 2018.
Translation catalog was updated because some messages were added mainly for new feature.
- Translations added on translation site not after 19th December 00:00 UTC will be shipped with new stable release.
Adding ARC support
This version aims to be the first draft of ARC (Authenticated Received Chain) support with Sympa. For details about ARC, see a slide by (PDF).
In a nutshell, ARC is an e-mail authentication scheme that remedies a problem of DMARC especially with mailing list service. Supporting it, we may avoid confusing rewriting on originator addresses.
We will look forward your feedbacks on:
- GitHub issue page: Issue #153
- Mailing lists: sympa-developpers, sympa-users etc.
Sympa 6.2.36 released
The Sympa Community is proud to release the newest version of Sympa.
Sympa 6.2.36 is the newest stable version of Sympa 6.2.
- Download source distribution
- Check the release notes
- Check the upgrade instructions from earlier versions
- How to contribute to Sympa
This version fixes several bugs including cross site scripting (XSS) / open redirect flaw on login form, and introduces some enhancements including faster operation to purge / rename lists. Translations to several languages were mostly completed. Administrators are encouraged to upgrade Sympa to this version.
Sympa 6.2.35 beta released
The Sympa Community is proud to release the first beta of the next version of Sympa. Please install it to test and report bugs, translate user interface to your language, or enhance documentation on Sympa, if you want to help the Sympa community to deliver a more reliable version of Sympa.
Sympa 6.2.35b.1 is the new beta version of Sympa 6.2.
This version introduces some inprovements and fixes several bugs including degradations by the last release.
About beta version
This version is a prerelease version of new stable release. We expect feedback from users and developers. To know how to report bugs or improvements, see Contributing to Sympa.
- New stable release is planned to be released in Sunday, 23rd September 2018.
Translation catalog was updated because some messages were added due to improvement of UI.
- Translations added on translation site not after 21th September 00:00 UTC will be shipped with new stable release.
Sympa 6.2.34 released
The Sympa Community is proud to release the newest version of Sympa.
Sympa 6.2.34 is the newest stable version of Sympa 6.2.
- Download source distribution
- Check the release notes
- Check the upgrade instructions from earlier versions
- How to contribute to Sympa
This version fixes several bugs, introduces enhancements including secure DKIM signature algorithm, and incompatible changes including change of user interface managing list owners and moderators. Translations to some languages were mostly completed.
Administrators are encouraged to upgrade Sympa to this version.