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Symphony 2.3 Meeting 2

eKoeS edited this page Sep 4, 2011 · 8 revisions

Symphony 2.3 Meeting #2


This meeting is being held roughly a month from the Symposium 2011, which is when we'd like to demo a 2.3 beta, so now is the perfect (if not a little late) time to refocus and make sure we are all heading in the right direction.

  • Agree on a style for the first Beta, keeping it mind it is not final and can be refined
  • Get a feel for people's availability in September so we can have an idea of when the work is going to be completed (and if it's viable to assume it will be)
  • Review the current issues assigned to the 2.3 milestone and work out what is still relevant, viable and who's taking ownership

Who's invited

All members of the Symphony Working Groups are encouraged to attend, general users can also participate but this is not a place to vent troubleshooting issues (our lively forum is for that sort of thing)

After the meeting

After this meeting we should an agree style for the 2.3 beta. We will know who is responsible for what areas and when the work is likely to be completed in the next month. Our issue tracker will be refined and cleaned up to better match the expectations of the 2.3 release

Meeting Results


  • Dropdown/with selected. Leaving with @eKoes (@nilshoerrmann will add a few ideas, too)
  • Symphony style guide (both CSS and JS), @nilshoerrmann is taking on responsibility.
  • Looking at localStorage/storage and how it can be used to speed up localisation. Assigned to @klaftertief
  • jQuery update to 1.6.2. Assigned to @brendo Done!
  • Drawer plugin is being looked at by @nickdunn as it's being implemented for Search Index. This may include a PHP Widget version (Widget::Drawer)
  • Tabs plugin can use @nickdunn's CSS from the Publish Tabs extension. The JS needs to be thought about. This is being left to the Symposium to discuss as a group with the UX WG. Maybe the JavaScript of @nilshoerrmann's Subsection Tabs can be used as a starting point.
  • Datasource Editor. The Pickable plugin should be updated for 2.3 so that the fields can be generated by a datasource via an AJAX request. eg. Selecting Navigation DS would fire a request to /ajax/blueprints/datasources/navigation-ds/ which would return the HTML for configuring a Navigation DS. Filtering improvements may need to wait for 2.3.1. The UX WG is generally assigned to assessing the Editor
  • Pickable plugin - support AJAX, datasources to be driven from AJAX requests for the page layout, general updates including a fix for 671 has been assigned to @klaftertief
  • Notify plugin - display multiple messages, display all, or stacked? Allow Author to close (remembered by localStorage) or cycle through. Should Errors always been shown, and Notices be stacked? Leaving for the Symposium to discuss as a group with the UX WG.
  • General plugin updates is being taken care of by @nilshoerrmann and @klaftertief. Includes 675 and 674. accounting.js was cited as a nice example.
  • @nilshoerrmann brought up the issue of how do we manage the Issue Tracker to keep better track of development and who's responsible. We're going to try to be more explicit and detailed in including this information in the issue.
  • Determine difference between Warnings and Exceptions was closed after discussion.
  • Configuration cleanup, has been assigned to @phoque
  • The current work in progress Remote JSON Datasource will be merged into a Remote Datasource, which bundles the Dynamic XML and Remote JSON functionality into the one datasource. The developer is responsible for specifying the mode (either JSON or XML). Namespaces is only specific to XML, this should be handled by the Pickable plugin. @brendo is assigned to doing the merging, then UX WG will take cause of the visual jazz.
  • @phoque spoke about a new Components UI. Agreed to keep it in mind, but at this stage leave for an extension to take control. @phoque hopes to have something to show at Symposium
  • Configuration environments -ability to have a different configuration from environment to environment. Research the web for other conventions is assigned to @brendo.


Availabilities up until Symposium 2011:

  • @nickdunn is about to start on a massive project
  • @eKoeS is currently on holidays is studying for exams, but can spend some time on the UI realign
  • @nilshoerrmann is busy with client work taking care of his little baby boy
  • @klaftertief has/is busy, but can make time to work on Symphony projects
  • @phoque has a lot of uni study to do, but is 'procrastinating quite a lot right now' ;)
  • @craigzheng is fairly busy, but can block out some periods for Symphony specific work
  • @marklewis is busy, would like to help, not sure where he can though if time frees up
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