Plugin to work with [x]it! files. Uses tree-sitter-xit.
- customizable syntax highlighting (with tree-sitter)
- customizable key mappings
- jump between tasks (you can toggle if it's jumping between all tasks or only open and ongoing ones)
- jump between headlines
- toggle task status (forward & backward, anywhere on the task)
- create a new task (before/after the current line/task)
- create a new headline (before/after the current line/task)
- delete a task
- filter open and ongoing tasks (while keeping or cleaning headlines)
- filter checked tasks (while keeping or cleaning headlines)
- smart insert mode mapping of Enter and Shift+Enter
- press Enter at the end of the task to create a new one below
- press Shift+Enter to create indented line (for multiline tasks)
This plugin was written with usage of new features of Neovim 0.7.
No support for Vim is planned. Check vim-xit instead.
Use your favorite plugin manager, ie. packer.nvim
use {
opt = true, -- for lazy-loading
ft = 'xit', -- for lazy-loading
run = function(plugin)
vim.cmd[[:TSInstall! xit]]
config = function() require('xit').setup() end,
requires = { 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter' }
For available options see Configuration/Options.
then sync your plugins, ie. with:
Now you should be ready to load *.xit
files and use all the features of this plugin.
Default values:
local options = {
disable_default_highlights = false,
disable_default_mappings = false,
default_jump_group = "all", -- possible values: all, open_and_ongoing
wrap_jumps = true,
You can adjust the options in setup
By default there is ready-to-use syntax highlighting which uses some of the existing highlight groups. But if it doesn't look well with your colorscheme or if you wish to use different colors/styles, feel free to disable the defaults with disable_default_highlights = true
and then you can use the following highlight groups:
Normal mode:
jump to next task<C-p>
jump to previous task<C-S-n>
jump to next headline<C-S-p>
jump to previous headline<C-t>
toggle checkbox (open -> ongoing -> checked -> obsolete)<C-S-t>
toggle checkbox (obsolete -> checked -> ongoing -> open)<leader>n
create new task (below the current line/task)<leader>N
create new task (above the current line/task)<leader>m
create new headline (below the current line/task)<leader>M
create new headline (above the current line/task)<leader>t
toggle jumps (all tasks or open and ongoing tasks)<leader>x
delete task<leader>fo
filter open and ongoing tasks<leader>fc
filter checked tasks
Insert mode:
creates new task (contains logic which understands if you are at the end of the task/headline etc.)<S-CR>
creates indented line
If you want to configure them on your own, feel free to use disable_default_mappings = true
and use any function exported by xit
module (at the bottom of the file, look for M.* = function
See also roadmap.xit.
Basic functionality and the plugin is ready for daily usage.
Investigate divider support (and if it will need spec change and tree-sitter-xit
Use floating windows to show filtered results. Interactive filtering capabilities.
Write tests and add better mappings configuration. Add task sorting capabilities.
Support for tags syntax highlighting and filtering tasks by tags.
Support for due dates syntax highlighting and filtering tasks by the date.
The plugin is fully tested and has all the goodies.
Any contributions are welcome (check the list above to see open/ongoing tasks).
If you are an experienced neovim plugin author or lua developer, I welcome your suggestions when it comes to the code & best practice.
There is also a discussion thread about this plugin: jotaen/xit#26
You can also check recommended learning resources and ideas.