Docker image for rtc-switchboard, which is an signalling server (counterpart to rtc-signaller) that makes use of the excellent realtime abstraction library, primus. It has been designed and built primarily as a reference implementation for a signalling server and is not designed to be deployed at scale.
For more information about rtc-switchboard please visit:
You can find the docker builds here:
If you wish to use rtc-switchboard
through a docker container
then you can simply pull the public image from and
run in the following way:
docker run synctree/rtc-switchboard
Defaults to 8080. If you wish to run the server on a specific port, then set the NODE_PORT
environment variable prior to execution:
docker run -e NODE_PORT=8997 synctree/rtc-switchboard
If you wish to build your own image using docker-rtc-switchboard:
docker build .
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