Version 0.1.2
- release dev workflow (zijiren233)
- Adapt to mse\mpegt5\m2ts format (zijiren233)
- error log and player file ext (zijiren233)
- Refactor the sync plugin and the setStatus event (zijiren233)
- flv/m3u8 cors (zijiren233)
- play and pause publish both (zijiren233)
- some debug (zijiren233)
- devLog util (zijiren233)
- can't auto play (Lazy)
- show total movies (Lazy)
- don't change playing status (Lazy)
- Refactor sync (zijiren233)
- add no muted play error notify (zijiren233)
- double unMount destory (zijiren233)
- ws emit edit current status (zijiren233)
- README.MD (Lazy)
- auto set chatArea height (Lazy)
- movie change bug player not change (zijiren233)
- auto set all status (zijiren233)
- movies change no need get movielist (zijiren233)
- player self auto destroy (zijiren233)
- custom header (zijiren233)
- reset Chat Area and init movielist (zijiren233)
- default movieinfo header is nill (zijiren233)
- init rare and plugin no need on ready (zijiren233)
- image & notify (Lazy)
- on ready then play (zijiren233)
- auto destory watcher (zijiren233)
- Refect sync plug (zijiren233)
- sync player may undefine (zijiren233)
- only use on danmuka plugin (zijiren233)
- auto check seek (zijiren233)