Version 0.1.3
- modify copyright (Lazy)
- dev code (Lazy)
- d896bd5: Merge branch 'main' of (Lazy)
- link to github (Lazy)
- link to github (Lazy)
- c8e6082: Merge branch 'main' of (Lazy)
- useless code (Lazy)
- join room dialog (Lazy)
- add str length limit (Lazy)
- add str length limit (Lazy)
- 1956c45: Merge branch 'main' of (Lazy)
- dev text (Lazy)
- detach movie push (Lazy)
- add no-referrer (Lazy)
- disable dbclick fullscreen (Lazy)
- auto height (Lazy)
- add type (Lazy)
- roomId display (Lazy)
- add more options (Lazy)
- select push and movie type (zijiren233)
- custom header did not allow in rtmpSource (zijiren233)
- reset header in rtmp source (zijiren233)
- add animation (Lazy)
- add custom headers (Lazy)
- move menu animation (Lazy)
- lazy load video stream lib (zijiren233)
- support mpd (zijiren233)
- m3u8 live source (zijiren233)
- async player (zijiren233)
- delete comment (zijiren233)
- del not use GlobalComponents (zijiren233)
- use protobuf (zijiren233)
- blobToUin8Array (zijiren233)
- validate (Lazy)
- validate (Lazy)
- 9e95248: Merge branch 'main' of (Lazy)
- update and use proto model (zijiren233)
- import BaseMovieInfo error (zijiren233)
- createAt time (Lazy)
- custom headers (Lazy)
- edit movie (Lazy)
- video ended (Lazy)
- createAt to creadedAd (zijiren233)