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DraftJS Autosave Plugin

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This is a plugin for the draft-js-plugins-editor.

This plugin allows you to add autosave functionality via a callback function to your plugins-enabled editor.


First instantiate the plugin, passing the necessary props in the config:

import createAutosavePlugin from 'draft-js-autosave-plugin';

const autosavePlugin = createAutosavePlugin(config);

And then pass the plugin into a draft-js-plugins-editor component:

import Editor from 'draft-js-plugins-editor'

<Editor plugins={[autosavePlugin]} />


The plugin requires a config with a saveFunction property, and a few optional properties:

const mySaveFunction = () => { /* A function that does something */ }

const config = {
  saveFunction: mySaveFunction,
  debounceTime: 3000,
  saveAlways: true
const autosavePlugin = createAutosavePlugin(config)

The config options and their defaults are:

Option Type Description Default Required
saveFunction Function Required callback function that will be called upon a save event none *
debounceTime integer Time, in milliseconds, to debounce the firing of save events after changes 2000
saveAlways Boolean Whether or not to call saveFunction callback for both selection and content changes, rather than just content changes (DraftJS fires onChange events for both) false
savingComponent React Component A custom react component to display the saving status; will receive props from plugin SavingComponent


You can get the saving status component (or your own supplied custom component, decorated with props) from the instance:

const {
} = autosavePlugin;

Render this in your component wherever you'd like:

<div className="toolbar">
  <SavingComponent />

The component has a couple optional props:

Prop Type Description Default
saving Boolean If you're using an asynchronous saving function, the component needs to be made aware of the in-flight request to render saving status appropriately (otherwise it will be considered saved upon calling the saveFunction callback) none
theme object Object of css classNames that will be applied to the saving component. Default theming classes are replaced entirely (see here for more details) if property provided. styles.css

Importing the default styles

The plugin ships with a default styling available at this location in the installed package: node_modules/draft-js-autosave-plugin/lib/plugin.css.

Webpack Usage

Follow the steps below to import the css file by using Webpack's style-loader and css-loader.

  1. Install Webpack loaders: npm install style-loader css-loader --save-dev

  2. Add the below section to Webpack config (if your Webpack already has loaders array, simply add the below loader object({test:foo, loaders:bar[]}) as an item in the array).

    module: {
      loaders: [{
        test: /\.css$/,
        loaders: [
          'style', 'css'
  3. Add the below import line to your component to tell Webpack to inject style to your component.

    import 'draft-js-mention-plugin/lib/plugin.css';
  4. Restart Webpack.

Browserify Usage

TODO: PR welcome

Specifying Your Own SavingComponent

If you'd like, you can specify your own custom SavingComponent to handle the saving status. Your component will be decorated with a few props and become available on the plugin instance.

Props that will be passed to your component:

  • getIsClean (func) - returns a boolean indicating whether or not the plugin has any pending changes to be saved
  • theme (object) - object of css classNames, see default here


const MySavingComponent = ({ saving, getIsClean, theme }) => {
  const saved = getIsClean() && !saving;
  return (
    <div className={saved ? theme.container : `${theme.container} ${theme.containerSaving}`}>
        className={saved ? theme.textSaved : theme.textSaving}
        {!saved && 'Saving...'}
        {saved && 'All Changes Saved.'}
      <span style={{ marginLeft: '0.2em' }}>{'🖫'}</span>

The above presentational component must then be passed into the config:

const autosavePlugin = createAutosavePlugin({ ...config, savingComponent: MySavingComponent });

draft-js-plugins-editor version info

This plugin is built for draft-js-plugins-editor version 2.0.0-beta10 and should be considered to be in beta until draft-js-plugins-editor and/or this plugin reach a full 2.0.0 release




Autosave plugin for DraftJS.







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