An Ansible Role that installs Snipe-IT on Debian/Ubuntu nodes. The application is being deployed on nginx with php-fpm 7.2
- add possibility to deploy snipe-it on apache2
- add possibility to use external database server
- add possibility to choose from mysql/mariadb
Role is self sustainable - it installs all needed prerequisites on the target node.
Available variables are listed below along with their default values:
#if you want to purge all php, nginx, apache2 installation and configuration change it to true
snipe_clean_env: false
snipe_install_dir: /opt/snipe-it
snipe_install_version: 4.6.13
snipe_domain: localhost
snipe_environment: production
snipe_debug_mode: false
snipe_http_server: nginx
snipe_php_version: 7.1
#default db settings
snipe_db_host: localhost
snipe_db_port: 3306
snipe_db_name: snipeit
snipe_db_user: root
snipe_db_pass: snipeit
snipe_smtp_host: localhost
snipe_smtp_port: 25
snipe_smtp_user: snipeit
snipe_smtp_pass: snipeit
snipe_smtp_encryption: tls
snipe_email_from: [email protected]
- hosts: snipeit
- role: mylocaldevstack.snipeit
if you want to change the version of snipe-it
- hosts: snipeit
snipe_install_version: 4.6.12
- role: mylocaldevstack.snipeit