Running tasks defined in config.yml
- edit configuration
- show configuration
- load default default configuration
- enable debugging mode
- all commands verbose
- self update
LAST_UPDATE_DATE: 2019-11-18 # check for update one time everyday
# order of commands
COMMANDS: git clear npm_install
git: # name of command
command: 'ls -la'
description: "Tutorial"
run_if_var_is_true: # if this variable is true run command
exit_on_error: true|false
verbose: true|false
# setting variable to value 'true' if fulfils the condition.
# if empty default variable name is UPPERCASE command name + GREP|SUCCESS|FAIL
set_var_grep: # GIT_GREP
set_var_success: # GIT_SUCCESS
set_var_fail: # GIT_FAIL
grep: # grep in output
grep_message: # if grep is successful show this message
Creates a backup automatically adding to the end of file ~
applies to configuration and script itself
via curl
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
via wget
sh -c "$(wget -O -)"
or step by step
# Install requirements
sudo apt install git
# Create tempormaly folder for clean instalation
temp_task-runner_folder=$(mktemp -d /tmp/task-runner.XXXXXX)
# Download project
git clone "$temp_task-runner_folder"\
&& cd "$temp_task-runner_folder"
# Create 'bin' folder and copy script to it
mkdir -p $HOME/bin
cp task-runner $HOME/bin
# Add 'bin' folder to $PATH
echo "$PATH"| grep --quiet "$HOME/bin" \
&& echo 'export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"' >> $HOME/.profile
# Create configuration folder and copy 'default_config' to it
mkdir -p $HOME/.config/task-runner
cp default_config $HOME/.config/task-runner/default_config
cp --no-clobber default_config $HOME/.config/task-runner/config
# Now you can use 'task-runner' or alias 'rr' like command
# Clean-up
rm -rf "$temp_task-runner_folder"
# DONE! Now you can use 'task-runner' like command