A minimum reproducible repository for embedding panel in FastAPI
Follow either This Tutorial or These steps below ↓↓↓
- Clone the repository (git clone https://github.com/t-houssian/FastAPI-Panel.git)
- Install the needed libraries
pip install "fastapi[all]"
pip install panel
- Run the app using
uvicorn main:app --reload
- Open the app at
That's it! You can change, modify, or add to the code in any way you'd like.
This is just a basic single app example. To run multiple apps you will need to do the following:
- Create a new file in your panelApps directory (ex.
) and add your new app code. - Create another pn_app file in your panelApps directory (ex.
) That might look something like this:
import panel as pn
from .app2 import SineWave2
def createApp2():
sw = SineWave()
return pn.Row(sw.param, sw.plot).servable()
- Create a new html template (ex. app2.html) with the same contents as base.html
- Import your new app in main.py
from panelApps.pn_app import createApp2
- Add your new app to the dictionary in pn.serve
{'/app': createApp, '/app2': createApp2}
- Add a new async function to rout your new app (The bottom of
should look something like this now):
async def bkapp_page(request: Request):
script = server_document('')
return templates.TemplateResponse("base.html", {"request": request, "script": script})
async def bkapp_page2(request: Request):
script = server_document('')
return templates.TemplateResponse("app2.html", {"request": request, "script": script})
pn.serve({'/app': createApp, '/app2': createApp2},
port=5000, allow_websocket_origin=[""],
address="", show=False)
- Open the additional app at