Docker image based on minideb (Debian) for running socat
, with flexible configuration options and TCP wrapper based access filtering. Has reasonable defaults for exporting the Docker Unix domain socket /var/run/docker.sock
on port 4550, but is not restricted to that.
Environment variables:
- SOCAT_DEBUG: enable shell script debug output if value is 'true'.
- default = 'false'
- SOCAT_ALLOW: TCP wrapper expression, saved into '
'- default = 'ALL'
- SOCAT_DENY: TCP wrapper expression, saved into '
'- default = 'NONE', if SOCAT_ALLOW is empty or 'ALL'
- default = 'ALL', if SOCAT_ALLOW is not empty and not 'ALL'
- SOCAT_SRC: socat target address (what to redirect).
- default = 'TCP4-LISTEN:4550,fork,reuseaddr'
- SOCAT_TGT: socat source address (where to redirect).
- default = 'unix-connect:/var/run/docker.sock'
- SOCAT_OPTS: additional optional socat parameters
- default = ''
- SOCAT_NO_DEFAULT_TCPWRAP: if 'true', do not use script default TCP wrapper options
')- default = 'false'
- not recommended, because it exposes the Docker unix domain socket to the "world" on port 4550:
docker run --name sock-exporter1 --detach -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -p 4550:4550 t0r0x/socat
- better restrict access to port 4550 by using TCP wrapper expressions:
docker run --name sock-exporter2 --detach -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -p 4550:4550 -e SOCAT_ALLOW=localhost,, t0r0x/socat
- all parameters in action:
docker run --name sock-exporter3 --detach -v /alternative-socket-location-on-my-host/name.sock:/path-in-container/othername.sock -p 9999:7777 -e SOCAT_DEBUG=true -e SOCAT_SRC='TCP4-LISTEN:7777,fork,reuseaddr' -e SOCAT_TGT='unix-connect:/path-in-container/othername.sock' -e SOCAT_DENY=ALL -e SOCAT_ALLOW='localhost,,,' -e SOCAT_OPTS='-d -d' t0r0x/socat
- something completely different:
docker run --name sock-exporter4 --detach --tty -p 9999:7777 -e SOCAT_DEBUG=true -e SOCAT_SRC='TCP4-LISTEN:7777,fork,reuseaddr' -e SOCAT_TGT='unix-connect:/path-in-container/othername.sock' -e SOCAT_DENY=ALL -e SOCAT_ALLOW='localhost,,,' -e SOCAT_OPTS='-d -d' t0r0x/socat