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t9md edited this page Mar 2, 2017 · 1 revision


  • Possible value and short descriptions are here.
    • inherit: pick global setting.
    • right: default, no behavior change
    • right:never-use-previous-adjacent-pane: don't use previous adjacent pane( use only next adjacent )
    • right:always-new-pane:
    • down:
    • down:never-use-previous-adjacent-pane:
    • down:always-new-pane:



  • When true, foo! means "not matching foo" as like !foo means that.
  • Only select-files provider enabled by default. ( To exclude md file by md!).
    • This is better than !md keystroke.
    • Since user can confirm which files are excluded.
    • At the timing when query become md and before adding ending !.


  • When you move cursor on narrow-editor, item under cursor is automatically opened to preview.


  • When you input query and items on narrow-editor re-rendered, auto-preview first item.


  • When true, close narrow-editor on confirmed by enter.
  • Set to false if you want keep narrow-editor open after confirmation.
    • Or you can use narrow-ui:confirm-keep-open as alternative.


Reveal closest item at startup.

  • Value can be
    • never: Never reveal
    • always: Always try to reveal
    • on-input: Reveal when initial query was provided via -by-current-word commands.
  • Each provider have different default value( opinionated ). So no global default.
    • Basic strategy to choose default value is below.
      • boundToSingleFile provider( scan, fold, symbols ) have on-input default
      • Other have always default( search, atom-scan, git-diff-all ).