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allow to store json or strongly typed data in a string key/value storage


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Allow to store json or strongly typed data in a string key/value storage.
In general was designed for using with localStorage and sessionStorage but may be used with any kind of store, f.e. redis or any backend inmemory store.

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how to install

npm i storing-json


yarn add storing-json

how to use

common case

import { JsonStorage } from 'storing-json';

const store = new JsonStorage({ 
  store: localStorage,  // going to store in localStorage
  expire: true,         // enabling support for values expiration

const MyClass = function(foo, bar) { = foo; = bar;

  type: MyClass,
  toJSON: value => ({ foo:, bar: }),
  toObject: value => new MyClass(,

const instance = new MyClass('foo', 'bar');

store.setItem('somekey', instace);

let restored = store.getItem('somekey');

console.log(restored instanceof MyClass); // true


If given storage do not support expiration you can use expiresAt option

// declarations are like in previous example

const instance = new MyClass('foo', 'bar');
store.setItem('somekey', instace, { expiresAt: + 2000 });

let restored = store.getItem('somekey'); 
console.log(restored instanceof MyClass); // true

setTimeout(() => {
  restored = store.getItem('somekey');
  console.log( restored === undefined ); // true
}, 2010);


JsonStorage, class


new JsonStorage({
  // IStorage is anything with setItem and getItem methods.
  store: IStorage, 
  // should be provided with storeSet method together
  // will be used to create fake internal store
  storeGet: method, default: undefined,

  // should be provided with storeGet method together
  // will be used to create fake internal store
  storeGet: method, default: undefined,

  // if true, getItem and setItem returns promises
  async: Boolean, default: false, 

  // if false there is no serialization/desirialization to string
  stringStore: Boolean, default: true,

  // If true enables expiration of stored items
  expire: Boolean, default: false,

  // if false there is no type wrapping and values stored as is
  wrap: Boolean, default: true,

  // if true allow circular dependencies in passed item
  // otherwise will throw an error on `setItem`
  circularDependency: Boolean, default: false,

  // passed to the Serializer as options at initialize time
  serializerOptions: Object, default: undefined,

  // if provided will used internally instead of default serializer
  // serializerOptions will be ignored in this case
  serializer: serializer instance, default: undefined,

  // if provided will be used with serializerOptions to create default serializer
  // at initialize time
  Serializer: Serializer class, default: undefined,


required options:

You have to provide store or storeGet with storeSet methods.

  • case 1: { store }
  • case 2: { storeGet, storeSet }

use cases:

const storeGet = (...args) => redis.get(...args);
const storeSet = (...args) => redis.set(...args);
const store = new JsonStorage({ storeGet, storeSet });

const inMemory = {
  _item: {},
  setItem(key, value) {
    this._item[key] = value;
  getItem(key) {
    return this._item[key];

const myInmemory = new JsonStorage({ store: inMemory });


setItem(string key, any value, [object options])
puts value to the store.

  • expiresAt: number, default: undefined.
    If provided sets expiration of value. Will be ignored if storage useExpiration is false. for expiring value after one second use: + 1000
  • wrap: Boolean, default: undefined.
    Overrides Storage wrap options.
  • supportCircularDependency: Boolean, default: undefined.
    Overrides storage circularDependency option.

getItem(string key, [object options])
gets value from the store.


  • unwrap: Boolean, default: undefined.
    If storage wrap is true and this options is false will not unwrap stored values.

Serializer, class

internally used in JsonStorage. Do all the job.


new Serializer({
  // add types to the type store for allowing better processing.
  // store is empty by default
  types: TypeContext Array, default: undefined,  

  // Used in toJSON method. If true, wrap any value to some special typed json
  wrap: Boolean, default: undefined,

  // Used in toObject method. If false toObject returns given value.
  unwrap: Boolean, default: !wrap,

  // Used in toJSON method. If true will allow to pass objects with circular dependencies inside.
  supportCircularDependency: Boolean, default: false


use cases:

const dateType = {
  type: Date,
  toJSON: date => date.valueOf(),
  toObject: value => new Date(value),
const serializer = new Serializer({ types: [ dateType ] });

const date = new Date();
let result = serializer.toJSON(date, { wrap: true });
// convert to wraped valueOf.
let recoverd = serializer.toObject(result);
// will restore Date instance

console.log(recoverd instanceof Date); // true
console.log(recoverd === date); // false
console.log(recoverd.valueOf() === date.valueOf()); // true


addType(object TypeContext)
Adds TypeContext to the types store. Argument must have type property defined.

getType(string | Type | instance argument)
Gets TypeContext from the store by name, by type or by instance.

toJSON(any value, [object options])
Converts given value to some special typed json.


  • wrap: Boolean, default: undefined
    If set will override serializer wrap option
  • supportCircularDependency: Boolean, default: undefined
    If set will override serializer supportCircularDependency option

toObject(any value, [object options])
Converts given value to regular value (unwraps if argument was wrapped).


  • unwrap: Boolean, default: undefined.
    Overrides Serializer unwrap option.


allow to store json or strongly typed data in a string key/value storage








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