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Package audit is a patch management tool for deprecated, outdated and vulnerable dependencies.


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A useful tool for patch management and prioritization, package-audit produces a list of dependencies that are outdated, deprecated or have security vulnerabilities.

Package::Audit will automatically detect the technologies used by the project and print out an appropriate report.

Supported Technologies

  • Ruby
  • Node (using Yarn)

Known Issues

  1. API produces an incorrect date for the latest version of the puma gem. As a result, puma is shown on reports as an outdated and a deprecated gem as a false positive.

Report Example

Below is an example of running the script on a project that uses both Ruby and Node.

Package                   Version  Latest   Latest Date  Vulnerabilities       Risk    Risk Explanation
actionpack        2023-03-13   unknown(2) medium(1)  high    security vulnerability
activerecord      2023-03-13   high(2)               high    security vulnerability
activesupport     2023-03-13   unknown(2)            high    security vulnerability
byebug                    11.1.3   11.1.3   2020-04-23                         medium  no updates by author in over 2 years
devise-async              1.0.0    1.0.0    2017-09-20                         medium  no updates by author in over 2 years
foundation-rails  2020-03-30                         medium  no updates by author in over 2 years
puma                      6.2.1    6.2.2    1980-01-01                         medium  no updates by author in over 2 years
rails-controller-testing  1.0.5    1.0.5    2020-06-23                         medium  no updates by author in over 2 years
rails             2023-03-13                         low     not at latest version
rubocop-i18n              3.0.0    3.0.0    2020-12-14                         medium  no updates by author in over 2 years
sass-rails                6.0.0    6.0.0    2019-08-16                         medium  no updates by author in over 2 years
selenium-webdriver        4.8.6    4.9.0    2023-04-21                         low     not at latest version
serviceworker-rails       0.6.0    0.6.0    2019-07-09                         medium  no updates by author in over 2 years
turbolinks                5.2.1    5.2.1    2019-09-18                         medium  no updates by author in over 2 years

3 vulnerable (7 vulnerabilities), 6 outdated, 9 deprecated.
Found a total of 14 Ruby packages.

To get more information about the ruby gem vulnerabilities run:
 > bundle-audit check --update

Package                   Version  Latest   Latest Date  Vulnerabilities      Risk    Risk Explanation
@sideway/formula          3.0.0    3.0.1    2022-12-16   moderate(1)          medium  security vulnerability
ansi-regex                4.1.0    6.0.1    2021-09-10   high(5)              high    security vulnerability
async                     2.6.3    3.2.4    2022-06-07   high(2)              high    security vulnerability
babel-eslint              10.1.0   10.1.0   2020-02-26                        medium  no updates by author in over 2 years
decode-uri-component      0.2.0    0.4.1    2022-12-19   high(10)             high    security vulnerability
hermes-engine             0.7.2    0.11.0   2022-01-27   critical(2)          high    security vulnerability
json5                     2.2.0    2.2.3    2022-12-31   high(30)             high    security vulnerability
react-native-safari-view  2.1.0    2.1.0    2017-10-02                        medium  no updates by author in over 2 years
react-native              0.64.2   0.71.7   2023-04-19                        low     not at latest version
react-navigation-stack    2.10.4   2.10.4   2021-03-01                        medium  no updates by author in over 2 years
react-navigation          4.4.4    4.4.4    2021-02-21                        medium  no updates by author in over 2 years
redux-axios-middleware    4.0.1    4.0.1    2019-07-10                        medium  no updates by author in over 2 years
redux-devtools-extension  2.13.9   2.13.9   2021-03-06                        medium  no updates by author in over 2 years
redux-persist             6.0.0    6.0.0    2019-09-02                        medium  no updates by author in over 2 years
shell-quote               1.6.1    1.8.1    2023-04-07   critical(3)          high    security vulnerability
shelljs                   0.8.4    0.8.5    2022-01-07   moderate(1) high(1)  high    security vulnerability
simple-plist              1.3.0    1.3.1    2022-03-31   critical(1)          high    security vulnerability
urijs                     1.19.7   1.19.11  2022-04-03   high(1) moderate(4)  high    security vulnerability

10 vulnerable (61 vulnerabilities), 11 outdated, 7 deprecated.
Found a total of 18 Node packages.

To get more information about the node module vulnerabilities run:
 > yarn audit

Continuous Integration

This gem provides a return code of 0 to indicate success and 1 to indicate failure. It is specifically designed for seamless integration into continuous integration pipelines.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'package-audit', require: false

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install package-audit


  • To generate a report of vulnerable, deprecated, and outdated packages, execute the following command (optionally providing the DIR parameter to specify the path of the project you wish to check, which defaults to the current directory):

    package-audit [DIR]
  • To include a custom configuration file, use --config or -c (see Configuration File for details):

    package-audit --config .package-audit.yml [DIR]
  • To display the vulnerable, deprecated or outdated packages separately (one list at a time), use:

    package-audit [deprecated|outdated|vulnerable] [DIR]
  • To include ignored packages use the --include-ignored flag:

    package-audit --include-ignored [DIR]
  • To include only specific technologies use --technology or -t:

    package-audit -t node -t ruby [DIR]
    package-audit --technology node --technology ruby [DIR]
  • To include only specific groups use --group or -g:

    package-audit -e staging -g production [DIR]
    package-audit --group staging --group production [DIR]
  • To produce the same report in a CSV format run:

    package-audit --format csv
  • To produce the same report in a Markdown format run:

    package-audit --format md
  • To show how risk is calculated for the above report run:

    package-audit risk

For a list of all commands and their options run:

package-audit help


package-audit help [COMMAND]

Configuration File

The package-audit gem automatically searches for .package-audit.yml in the current directory or in the specified DIR if available. However, you have the option to override the default configuration file location by using the --config (or -c) flag.

Below is an example of a configuration file:

      version: 1.0.2
      vulnerable: false
      version: 1.0.0
      deprecated: false
      version: 6.3.0
      deprecated: false
      version: 4.1.0
      outdated: false

This configuration file allows you to specify the following exclusions:

Note: If the installed package version differs from the expected package version specified in the configuration file, the exclusion settings will not apply to that particular package.

Note: If a package is reported for multiple reasons (e.g. vulnerable and outdated), it will still be reported unless the exclusion criteria match every reason for being on the report.

By design, wildcard (*) version exclusions are not supported to prevent developers from inadvertently overlooking crucial messages when packages are updated.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Package::Audit project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


Package audit is a patch management tool for deprecated, outdated and vulnerable dependencies.



Code of conduct





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