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My AUR and MPR packages

My PKGBUILD shell scripts for the AUR and MPR packages that I maintain


My Repology AUR maintainer page


My Repology MPR maintainer page



Packaging checklist

Creating/Adopting new package

  • Make sure SSH connection is working, as detailed on the "Uploading Packages" page
  • Initialize package (implicitly creates repo, if it does not exist yet) with:
    $ git clone "ssh://[email protected]/<pkg-name-here>.git"
  • Declare Maintainer
    • Denote past Maintainers as Contributors (if needed)
  • Change your displayed User Name and E-mail Address for Git repo!
    $ git config "First-name Last-name"
    $ git config "[email protected]"
    • Otherwise, you cannot do this later!
  • Confirm e-mail changes the following:
    $ git config --list  # to see everything (both global first, then local at the end of stdout)
    $ git config  # to see the locally set e-mail address

Updating packages

  • Change:
    • pkgver
    • pkgrel (if needed)
    • Checksums
      • Most common & cryptographically sound checksums (as of Feb 2024)
        • SHA256
        • SHA512
          • For SHA512 checksums represented by base 64 in YAML files, use the following command to convert from hexadecimal into base 64:
            $ sha512sum <binary-name>.deb | cut -f1 -d\  | xxd -r -p | base64 -w0
        • BLAKE2 (i.e., the b2sum command in GNU Core Utilities)
      • Download the specified archive from the source (e.g. GitHub, GitLab, direct software source page, & so on)
  • Update .SRCINFO package metadata file with:
    $ makepkg --printsrcinfo | tee .SRCINFO
    • This will print .SRCINFO (the PKGBUILD metadata that is used for the web page) into stdout (which helps to tell if the output source links work correctly.
  • Lastly, add the files, make a commit, and push the changes:
    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "Add message here"
    $ git commit --amend    # Write a longer message here, if needed
    $ git push

MPR specific notes

  • I am not sure about the armv7l architecture platform
    • This might be a auto-generated architecture platforms for DEB on GH
    • But I can't figure out if there are more specific member names "under" armv7l
    • See the following:
      • Q&A for Debian architecture on Stack Exchange Unix & Linux
      • The armhf section in the "Architecture Specifics Memo" page on the Debian Wiki
      • The "ARM ports" page on the Debian Wiki
    • Also, I don't use this platform
    • Open a GH issue here if you really want to see this ARM platform; then we work out if it's possible



The license for the PKGBUILD scripts I author are under the GNU General Public License Version 3 (GNU GPLv3).


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