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The prometheus package provides Prometheus implementations for metrics.


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GO - Prometheus

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This package is a Prometheus implementation for metrics. In its creation, the main consideration was the ease of use.

Provides the following metric types:

It can also provide built-in statistics (optionally) about the system and the application:

  • Goroutines,
  • Memory usage,
  • CPU usage.

Pprof HTTP server can be enabled to get runtime profiling data on Host:Port/debug/pprof/ endpoint.

Table of contents

Example usage


Example code

p := prometheus.New(prometheus.Init{
    // Obligatory fields
    Host:        "",
    Port:        prometheus.GetFreePort(),
    Environment: "test",
    AppName:     "ExampleService",

    // Optional fields
    MetricEndpoint:      "/metrics", // default: /metrics
    StatCountGoroutines: true,       // default: false
    StatMemoryUsage:     true,       // default: false
    StatCpuUsage:        true,       // default: false
    EnablePprof:         true,       // default: false, endpoint: /debug/pprof/

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Example output

  "Addr": "",
  "Env": "test",
  "App": "ExampleService",
  "MetricsEndpoint": "/metrics",
  "StatCountGoroutines": true,
  "StatMemoryUsage": true,
  "StatCpuUsage": true,
  "EnablePprof": true

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Counter is a cumulative metric that represents a single monotonically increasing counter whose value can only increase or be reset to zero on restart.

For example, you can use a counter to represent the number of requests served, tasks completed, or errors.

Example code

err := p.Counter(prometheus.CounterArgs{
    MetricName: "response_status",
    Labels:     prometheus.Labels{"handler": "MyHandler1", "statuscode": "200"},
    Value:      1,

if err != nil {


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Example output

# HELP response_status Counter created for response_status
# TYPE response_status counter
response_status{app="ExampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",statuscode="200"} 1

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Example Query

# Pie Chart 

# Timeline
) by(statuscode)

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Grafana Screenshot

counter screenshot

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Gauge is a metric that represents a single numerical value that can arbitrarily go up and down.

Gauges are typically used for measured values like temperatures or current memory usage, but also "counts" that can go up and down, like the number of concurrent requests.

Example code

err := p.Gauge(prometheus.GaugeArgs{
    MetricName: "response_size",
    Labels:     prometheus.Labels{"handler": "MyHandler1"},
    Value:      float64(rand.Intn(100)),

if err != nil {


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Example output

# HELP response_size Gauge created for response_size
# TYPE response_size gauge
response_size{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1"} 52

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Example Query


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Grafana Screenshot

counter screenshot

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Histogram samples observations (usually things like request durations or response sizes) and counts them in configurable buckets. It also provides a sum of all observed values. A histogram with a base metric name of exposes multiple time series during a scrape:

  • cumulative counters for the observation buckets, exposed as _bucket{le=""}
  • the total sum of all observed values, exposed as _sum
  • the count of events that have been observed, exposed as _count (identical to _bucket{le="+Inf"} above)

Example code

// Elapsed time to measure the computation time
// of a given function, handler, etc...
defer func(begin time.Time) {
	err := p.Histogram(prometheus.HistogramArgs{
		MetricName: "response_time:milli_sec",
		Labels:     prometheus.Labels{"handler": "MyHandler1"},
		Buckets:    prometheus.GenerateBuckets(0.05, 0.05, 10),
		Value:      time.Since(begin).Seconds(),

	if err != nil {

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Example output

# HELP response_time:milli_sec Histogram created for response_time:milli_sec
# TYPE response_time:milli_sec histogram
response_time:milli_sec_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler2",le="0.05"} 47
response_time:milli_sec_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler2",le="0.1"} 93
response_time:milli_sec_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler2",le="0.15"} 145
response_time:milli_sec_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler2",le="0.2"} 190
response_time:milli_sec_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler2",le="0.25"} 238
response_time:milli_sec_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler2",le="0.3"} 287
response_time:milli_sec_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler2",le="0.35"} 287
response_time:milli_sec_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler2",le="0.4"} 287
response_time:milli_sec_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler2",le="0.45"} 287
response_time:milli_sec_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler2",le="0.5"} 287
response_time:milli_sec_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler2",le="+Inf"} 287
response_time:milli_sec_sum{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler2"} 42.85663311700002
response_time:milli_sec_count{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler2"} 287

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Example Query


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Grafana Screenshot

counter screenshot

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Measure execution time

To measure the runtime of a particular calculation use StartMeasureExecTime function.

Example code

m := p.StartMeasureExecTime(prometheus.MeasureExecTimeArgs{
    MetricName:   "execution_time:minutes",
    Labels:       prometheus.Labels{"handler": handlerName},
    Buckets:      prometheus.GenerateBuckets(0.005, 0.005, 20),
    TimeDuration: time.Minute,

time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(5)) * time.Second)

err := m.StopMeasureExecTime()
if err != nil {


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Example output

# HELP execution_time:minutes Histogram created for execution_time:minutes
# TYPE execution_time:minutes histogram
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.005"} 119
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.01"} 119
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.015"} 119
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.02"} 228
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.025"} 228
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.03"} 228
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.035"} 338
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.04"} 338
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.045"} 338
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.05"} 338
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.055"} 439
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.06"} 439
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.065"} 439
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.07"} 534
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.075"} 534
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.08"} 534
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.085"} 534
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.09"} 534
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.095"} 534
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="0.1"} 534
execution_time:minutes_bucket{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1",le="+Inf"} 534
execution_time:minutes_sum{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1"} 16.868514283549988
execution_time:minutes_count{app="exampleService",env="test",handler="MyHandler1"} 534

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Example Query


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Grafana Screenshot

counter screenshot

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Other examples

For more examples, please visit: page.

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Built-in statistics

The following built-in system and application statistics can be turned on/off on Prometheus Object initialization.

p := prometheus.New(prometheus.Init{
    // Obligatory fields
    Host:        "",
    Port:        prometheus.GetFreePort(),
    Environment: "test",
    AppName:     "ExampleService",

    // Application and system statistics fields
    StatCountGoroutines: true,       // default: false
    StatMemoryUsage:     true,       // default: false
    StatCpuUsage:        true,       // default: false

Detailed List of Statistics

  • Goroutines (count) StatCountGoroutines: true

  • Memory usage StatMemoryUsage: true

    • System:

      • Total: total amount of RAM on this system
      • Avail: RAM available for programs to allocate
      • Used (bytes): RAM used by programs
      • Free: this is the kernel's notion of free memory
      • Used (percent): percentage of RAM used by programs
    • Used by the application:

      • Sys: the total bytes of memory obtained from the OS
      • Alloc: bytes of allocated heap objects
      • HeapSys: bytes of heap memory obtained from the OS
      • HeapInuse: bytes in in-use spans
      • NumGC: the number of completed GC cycles
  • CPU usage (percentage) StatCpuUsage: true

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Example Queries

# Used memory (System)

# Memory: sys (Application)

# Memory: alloc (Application)

# Memory: frees (Application)

# Free memory (System)
100 - stat_memory_usage:used_percent{app="ExampleService",env="test"}

# Memory: sys (Application)

# Memory: heapsys (Application)

# Memory: heapinuse (Application)

# Memory: numgc (Application)

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Grafana Screenshot

counter screenshot

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Enable pprof

Enable pprof HTTP server to get runtime profiling data on Host:Port/debug/pprof/ endpoint.

Available profiles

  • allocs
  • block
  • cmdline
  • goroutine
  • heap
  • mutex
  • profile
  • threadcreate
  • trace

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Example code

p := prometheus.New(prometheus.Init{
    // Obligatory fields
    Host:        "",
    Port:        prometheus.GetFreePort(),
    Environment: "test",
    AppName:     "ExampleService",

    // Endpoint: /debug/pprof/
    EnablePprof: true, // default: false, 

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The prometheus package provides Prometheus implementations for metrics.







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