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aviezerl committed May 7, 2023
0 parents commit 2d286e2
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Showing 24 changed files with 7,892 additions and 0 deletions.
179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions Disease_Longevity_UKBB.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
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# + [markdown] tags=[]
# ##### Disease risks and longevity scores on UKBB
# -

# ## Preprocessing UKBB phenotypic data (jan 2021)

# ##### Initialize and load required packages

# + tags=[]
# -

# ### loading full dataset

ukbb_data <- load_data()

# ### Date of birth (dob) and death (dod)
# #### extracting dob / dod /race info from full dataset

# + tags=[]
ukbb_demog <- get_demog_data(ukbb_data) %cache_df% here('output/ukbb_demog.csv') %>% as_tibble()
# -

# Show the column data in ukbb_demog


# ### Extracting diagnosis from all sources
# hospitalizations, hesin followups, self reported questionnaires, first occurrences and general practice clinic followup.

ukbb_diagnosis <- get_diagnosis_data(ukbb_data, ukbb_demog ) %cache_df% here('output/ukbb_diagnosis.csv') %>% as_tibble()

# ### Loading lab data

ukbb_visits <- get_visit_data(ukbb_demog) %cache_df% here('output/ukbb_visits.csv') %>% as_tibble()
ukbb_labs <- get_labs_data(ukbb_data, ukbb_visits) %cache_df% here('output/ukbb_labs.csv') %>% as_tibble() %>%
mutate(sex=c('male', 'female')[sex]) %>%
inner_join(ln_ukbb_labs() %>% mutate(field=as.numeric(ukbb_code)) %>% select(field), by = "field")

# + [markdown] tags=[]
# ### Normalize labs
# -

ukbb_labs$q <- ln_normalize_multi_ukbb(ukbb_labs %>% select(id, lab_code=field, age, sex, value))

# + tags=[]
head(ukbb_labs %>% select(field, description, age, sex, value, q))
# -

# ### Computing diseases onset

# + tags=[]
cancer_codes <- build_cancer_icd9_icd10_dictionary(ukbb_data)
ukbb_diseases <- get_diseases(ukbb_diagnosis, cancer_codes) %cache_df% here('output/ukbb_diseases.csv') %>% as_tibble()
# -

# ### Computing parent survival data

parents <- get_parents_survival(ukbb_data) %cache_df% here('output/ukbb_parents.csv') %>% as_tibble()

# ### Free up memory


# + [markdown] tags=[]
# ## computing Longevity and Diseases models scores
# We will use the `mldpEHR` package to run infer scores from the models that were generated using the Clalit database.
# We start by loading the models.
# ### Load prediction models

# +
models_dir <- 'data/models/'
predictors <- c('longevity', 'diabetes', 'ckd', 'copd', 'cvd', 'liver') %>%
purrr::set_names() %>%
readr::read_rds(paste0(models_dir, m, '.rds')) %>%
purrr::imap( ~ c(.x, age=as.numeric(.y), feature_names=list(unique(unlist(purrr::map(.x$model, ~ .x$feature_names))))))

# -

# ### gathering all potential model features
# Each predictor had its own features used in the model.
# As the overlap is extensive between the different predictors, we will gather all features and compute them once.

potential_features <- unique(unlist(purrr::map(predictors, function(predictor) {
purrr::map(predictor, function(p) {

# ### computing all features for all patients

#building features to be used by all predictors (longevity, diseases)
ukbb_to_clalit <- tgutil::fread('data/ukbb_lab_field_to_clalit_lab.csv')
features <- purrr::map2_df(predictors[[1]], names(predictors[[1]]), function(model, age_model) {
age_model <- as.numeric(age_model)
labs_features <- ukbb_labs %>% filter(age<age_model, age>age_model-5, ! %>%
left_join(ukbb_to_clalit %>% select(field, track), by="field") %>%
mutate(feature=paste0(track, '.quantiles_1_years_minus1095')) %>%
filter(feature %in% potential_features) %>%
group_by(id, feature) %>% summarize(value=mean(q), .groups="drop")

disease_features <- ukbb_diseases %>% filter(age <= age_model) %>%
mutate(feature=paste0('WZMN.', cohort, '_minus43800_0')) %>%
filter(feature %in% potential_features) %>%
distinct(id, feature) %>%

ids <- unique(c(labs_features$id, disease_features$id))

#adding female/male/age info
features_tidy <- data.frame(id=ids, feature="age", value=age_model) %>%
bind_rows(ukbb_demog %>% filter(id %in% ids) %>% mutate(feature="male", value= sex==1) %>% select(id, feature, value)) %>%
bind_rows(labs_features) %>%

#moving from tidy format
features <- features_tidy %>% pivot_wider(id_cols='id', names_from='feature') %>%

#setting missing diesease values to 0
disease_feature_names <- grep('WZMN.disease', colnames(features), value=TRUE)
features[,disease_feature_names][[,disease_feature_names])] <- 0

#adding missing features
missing_features <- setdiff(potential_features, colnames(features))
features[,missing_features] <- NA

#requiring RBC
features <- features %>% filter(!
}) %cache_df% here('output/ukbb_mldp_features.csv') %>% as_tibble()

# #### compute scores

predictor_scores <- purrr::map2_df(predictors, names(predictors), ~ mldp_predict_multi_age(features, .x) %>% mutate(predictor=.y))

#note: setting disease score for patients that are already sick to NA
pop <- predictor_scores %>% filter(predictor == "longevity") %>%
select(id, age, sex, longevity=score, longevity_q=quantile) %>%
mutate(sex=factor(c('male', 'female')[sex], levels=c('male', 'female'))) %>%
left_join(predictor_scores %>% filter(predictor != "longevity") %>%
select(id, age, predictor, score) %>%
left_join(ukbb_diseases %>% select(id, disease_age=age, predictor=cohort)) %>%
mutate(score = ifelse(! & disease_age < age, NA, score)) %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols=c("id", "age"), names_from="predictor", values_from="score")
) %cache_df% here('output/pop_scores.csv') %>% as_tibble()
head(pop %>% select(-id))


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