a full-stack developer, I'm a tech enthusiast who's found a sweet spot in the world of coding, specializing in both Java and ColdFusion. With Java, I love diving into the nitty-gritty of backend development, crafting elegant algorithms and functionalities. On the flip side, ColdFusion lets me whip up dynamic web applications with a touch of simplicity and flair. I'm all about finding the perfect balance between these two worlds to create software that's both powerful and user-friendly. Currently, I also am learning the Golang stack, and focusing on frontend frameworks or libraries.
🔭 I’m currently working on oneventura
🌱 I’m currently learning golang stack
💬 Ask me about ColdFusion or Project collaboration, if you have some idea(software industry), please share it with me.
📫 Reach me at tang9ian#gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences on tang9ian.github.io
ℹ️ By the way, if you have some CFML legacy systems that require maintenance, please do not hesitate to reach me at email.